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Are you a home care agency owner? Do you know you have to implement Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) before 1st January 2020? Well, if you don’t have any information about EVV and the need to implement the same; you need to go through this post!

According to the 21st Century CURES Act, every home care agency serving in the United States should implement EVV and need to present electronic records for care services to be reimbursed from Medicaid. The agencies that don’t comply with the state’s regulations after January 1st, 2020 may not eligible for Medicaid.

Here are some aspects associated with EVV that every home care agency should know!

Getting compliance with the Federal Government and State requires certifications

The federal government and the state have released specific guidelines for the home care agencies regarding the need for specific criteria to be compliant. One should check their state rules before they can think of implementing EVV, which eventually helps in understanding the need for certifications.

Besides the necessary licenses for running a home care business, it is mandatory for the agencies to ensure that they possess the same before finalizing an EVV vendor. However, different states have different criteria for EVV implementation. One just needs to check the compliance rules in their state by checking the official website and do what’s required for making their agency compliant.

You can choose any EVV Vendor

Most of the home care agency owners are uncertain regarding the choice of EVV software. Well, the federal and state government have stated that an agency can choose any of the EVV solutions providers available in the market as long as they are HIPAA compliant.

Since most of the agencies are getting compliant by choosing a complete home care management solution, you can also rely on the same for better management of your home care business. Some advanced solutions offer scheduling, payroll, billing, tracking, and more. These features could be an advantage to your home care business processes.

Why consider the deadline?

If an agency doesn’t implement EVV before the deadline, they no longer are eligible to claim Medicaid. Furthermore, crossing the deadline would also affect the annual FMAP. The Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) will continue to decrease if the agencies aren’t getting compliant with the federal government and state regulations.

Click here to download EVV Checklist for Home Care Agencies.

So, if you are a home care agency owner, it is strongly recommended that you should consider the same quickly to avoid Medicaid claims rejections.

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