fbpixel Get a Home Care Scheduling Software if You’re Facing these Issues

You Need a Home Care Scheduling Software Right Away if Your Agency is Facing any of these Issues

Opportunistic Home Care Scheduling Caresmartz

The entire home care industry is going through a tough phase during the pandemic, which is undeniably the tip of the iceberg for the industry.

Agencies that were already facing a shortage of skilled caregivers along with issues in assigning shifts have undoubtedly left the organizations in the dire straits amidst COVID-19.

Whether it’s managing quality care for the seniors or coping up the challenges to obtain operational efficiencies, agencies are trying their best to meet the current demand and to sustain in the market.

Now talking about the home care scheduling problem alone; many agencies aren’t managing their operations efficiently to obtain the desired revenues & productivity.

Let’s learn more about the issues that are hurdling the success of home care businesses and how smart scheduling could be a game-changer in the long run.

You don’t know which Caregiver should be assigned to a Client

This is one of the most common problems that agencies face. As a home care service provider, if you closely examine the situation, you’ll end up finding that it is a major area where you spend a lot of time, which shouldn’t be the case.

You need a smart solution that can manage your caregivers and provide you real-time insights regarding upcoming and pending schedules.

The scheduling calendar in CareSmartz360 provides you multiple filters that can help you find the desired information at a single click. You can utilize the same to quickly assign a caregiver to a client based on its requirements and the availability of caregivers.

You don’t know why your billable hours per client are declining

If your agency is witnessing a continuous decline in the total number of billable hours and you’re not sure what the reason is, you must leverage technology to help you find the root cause.

You can see how many times a particular client has cancelled a visit and you can further get detailed information about all the clients that are repeatedly cancelling their visits.

With CareSmartz360, you just need to select the”Office”,”Client”,”Date Range”, and then select”Cancelled by Client” from the Schedule Status dropdown.

You can see a new window with a calendar view that shows detailed information about the cancelled shifts by a particular client.

You’re unable to figure out the issues with a particular Caregiver when it comes to productivity & Client expectations

Sometimes you may doubt the productivity of a particular caregiver but you’re helpless to determine the reason behind unsatisfied clients that eventually affects your overall billing hours.

So, if you think you’re having a problem with a particular caregiver, you just need to utilize the potential of a smart home care scheduling software in a way that it provides detailed insights regarding a particular caregiver and its care delivery.

You just need to change the filters in the above-mentioned procedure. Select the”Office” and then select”All Clients”.

Choose a Date Range, and then select”Cancelled by Client” from the Schedule Status dropdown. Now you need to set the”Schedule Status” as”Caregiver No Show”.

Once you click”Search”, you’ll have the complete documentation that you need to figure out what’s affecting your client expectations and you can have a serious conversation with that particular caregiver regarding their overall productivity and your expectations.

You’re not sure how many hours a Caregiver spends on shifts & other tasks

Home care agencies that aren’t relying on smart home care solutions face diverse challenges when it comes to overall shift timings. The limited resources, along with long hours of shifts with minimum operational efficiency, may affect the productivity and efficiency of caregivers.

It is important for you to analyze the total hours spend by a caregiver during a particular shift and how things can be more efficiently managed to serve other clients as well. The global pandemic has surged the demand of skilled caregivers but if your agency isn’t utilizing the best home care practices to schedule visits, you may end up losing your clients.

The”Time Tracking” feature of CareSmartz360 shows you all the details about the schedules along with a precise track of caregivers’ shift timing records.

Here’s what you can do with the”Time Tracking” feature:

  • See the start and end time of the shift
  • See the actual amount of time vs the scheduled time of the shift
  • Correct the schedule status
  • Manually add Clock-in & Clock-out times
  • Change the status of individual schedules
  • Change the status on multiple schedules at a time

Once you have the detailed information regarding the shifts, you can manage your caregivers accordingly to meet the surging demand of caregivers even in the toughest situations.

Apart from this, the total billable hours’ record helps you to pay the caregivers for their extra efforts that also build trust over your employees and you can witness improved caregiver retention rates.

There’s always a communication gap between you and your Caregivers

When you run a home care business, you just can’t afford a communication gap between your agency staff members and your caregivers especially in the toughest times that we currently face.

A little delay in conveying crucial information could lead to unnecessary cancelation of shifts that result in squandering of a lot of time in a situation when there’s a shortage of skilled resources to meet the caregiving demand.

CareSmartz360’s smart scheduling allows you to manage the status and messaging with a single click. Whether you need to convey an essential shift update or a time change, you just need to utilize the potential of CareSmartz360’s smart messaging.

There could be times when you need to fulfill an unexpected need of a client that wasn’t in the calendar. The”Scheduling” module”Messaging” page allows you to send a voicemail to the caregivers regarding a change in the shift or to convey any special requirement by the client.

Moreover, the caregivers can also send voicemails to agency staff to convey their message regarding their shifts or any other crucial information.

The”Time Tracking””Global SMS Log” allows the user to see all the text messages that have been sent between the agency and other people. One can choose”Incoming SMS”,”Outgoing SMS”, or”Both” to read all the messages by selecting the date range.

Moreover, the caregivers can also send voicemails to agency staff to convey their message regarding their shifts or any other crucial information.

The”Time Tracking””Global SMS Log” allows the user to see all the text messages that have been sent between the agency and other people. One can choose”Incoming SMS”,”Outgoing SMS”, or”Both” to read all the messages by selecting the date range.

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