fbpixel 10 Reports To Grow Your Home Care Business

Top 10 Reports To Help Grow Your Home Care Business

Top 10 Reports To Help Grow Your Home Care Business

Data is the foundation of a home care agency and determines the ability to make smart and efficient decisions. While data is essential, it becomes useless if raw metrics are not transferred to legible information.

After all, insights and knowledge open doors to success.

The power of data exploration is evident in home care, where data mining measurement brings extensive reporting possibilities. A software solution must filter and export data into powerful reports, helping agencies identify the latest trends, address critical issues, predict cost savings, and cater to staffing needs.

These reports help benchmark an agency’s past work and give information about the competitive landscape to drive the business forward. To get the conversation started, here is a list of ten reports that enable any private duty home care agency to do more for their business, staff, and clients- simply by analyzing the available data.

New Client Status Reports:

Intakes and referrals are an essential part of an agency’s business. Data reveals how clients move from one status to another within the agency’s administrative back-end. It is necessary to record key stops while intaking a new client.

Every client detail is captured and integrated into the homecare management software like CareSmartz360 to make informed and faster choices. Caregiver selection, faster payments, and better care are other benefits.

Agencies can categorize clients based on their status like active, on-hold, or discharged. While these metrics are captured for all new clients, developing recent client status reports becomes easy. Agencies will have to assess the time duration required to funnel clients through different stages. Afterward, they may flag specific action items to combat the process lags and promptly welcome new clients.

New Client Pipeline & Referrals Report:

Gaining a holistic view of the referrals and client pipeline can offer insights into where the clients are coming from, when they are coming, and who brings them.

Ask if a particular search engine is funneling new clients? Are the friends and family of other clients bringing this significant number?

Reports that allow an agency to track referral sources provide insights about client onboarding and what to do to nurture the pipeline. Tracking the pace of new clients and spotting lucrative trends are other advantages of studying this report.

Demand and Supply Map Report:

The main concern of the home care industry is attracting and retaining top talent. Agencies can boost employee satisfaction by streamlining schedules and ensuring productivity.

While tapping missed and late visits is necessary and valuable, having a keen understanding of demand and supply holds much importance. You may create a heat map where your caregivers and clients will see a color-coded representation between the demand and supply. A heat map shows valuable metrics indicating whether staffing is under-served or over-served.

Home care scheduling software insights help schedulers and coordinators reorganize and make informed hiring decisions to ensure seamless client care.

Shift Offer Report:

Efficient home care software can manage shift offers to field staff, making scheduling more accessible and reducing late, vacant, and missed shifts. A color-coded calendar view can easily indicate the discrepancies between demand and supply.

With CareSmartz360’s home care software, you can reduce scheduling time by 70%.

Scheduling is one of the most time-consuming tasks for home care agencies. However, with a non-medical home care scheduling software, configuration and preferred time slot selection are just a click away.

This report informs caregivers of their available shifts in real-time through mobile messaging alerts, allowing them to schedule another shift if it fits within their day or week. Based on these responses, schedulers may assign last-minute vacant visits to caregivers and secure client visits.

Client Feedback Report:

Whether positive or negative, client feedback helps ensure whether an agency listens to clients’ needs and quickly responds with changes wherever necessary. For example, CareSmartz360 enables agencies to run reports to track client feedback by name and date, reveal care patterns, and identify minor issues before they turn into major ones.

Additionally, positive feedback may prove to be a motivating tool for caregivers. The result is a domino effect, meaning the happier the caregiver, the more satisfied the clients are, which also increases referral flow.

It’s a win/win for business!

Skills Report:

Caregivers and nurses with specialized credentials and experience in dementia are in great demand for clients that need specialized support. Agencies can match the right caregiver with the right client by determining the client and caregiver demands.

Keeping track of the expiration of professional certifications is another important metric you can pull through the reporting function. With this, the agency can ensure up-to-date caregiver training.

CareSmartz360’s Learning Management Software helps agencies track caregiver course progress and ensure they finish their training on time.

Mobile Application Usage Reports:

The No. 1 priority for modern agencies must be to keep pace with the evolving industry demands. It is vital to ensure that when new software is on-boarded, staff members and caregivers are aware of all the valuable features.

Home care mobile app reports may translate data into valuable insights to show that employees use the home care software as needed. These reports will show the feature accessibility, ensuring compliance.

Scheduler Utilization Reports:

Schedulers have unique needs.

Modern software solutions help agencies and schedulers help agencies in generating reports by comparing the average number of hours schedulers clock in. Using the latest technology can make scheduling efficient, employing fewer schedulers compared to an agency utilizing paper-based solutions.

Department Performance:

Tracking total service hours and the number of visits is much more than visit verification. Rich data feeds reports which reveal what each location or department is clocking.

Know that the report becomes more valuable if the agency has more offices. It is because it gives you deep insights into specific services, experiencing high or low demand, helping home care businesses make informed decisions.

Care Report Continuity:

Another driver that supports positive client outcomes is client-caregiver continuity. Continued care is an equal factor, especially when client-directed care takes hold.

Continuity of care promotes efficiency and camaraderie in addition to factors like qualifications and certifications needed to manage chronic diseases and administer medications.

An All-in-One Solution for Your Reporting Needs

Client vitals reports, care plan adherence reports, margin reports, and banked unit reports are some more examples.

By exploring your agency’s wealth of information, you fulfill the needs of caregivers, clients, office staff, and the agency’s future. With CareSmartz360’s home care reporting system, your agency will have tools for pulling meaningful reports and insights to help align how your business operates.

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