fbpixel EVV Deadline is Approaching – Be EVV Ready Idaho!

EVV Deadline is Approaching –Are You Ready Idaho?

EVV Deadline is Approaching-Be EVV Ready Idaho!

It is time for Home Care Business owners in Idaho to get their skates on to implement Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) before the deadline i.e. June 30, 2021.

To attain compliance with the State’s regulations, home care agencies need to comply with the State rules and implement EVV.

Mandated under the 21st Century Cures Act, EVV is required for all home care providing agencies to keep the ball rolling for claiming Medicaid bills. Failing to comply, the agency owners would be entitled to 1 percent of their FMAP deductions.

A Provider-Choice Approach

The open EVV Model in Idaho gives home care agencies an advantage of choosing the EVV provider of their choice. However, the EVV solution you choose must collect all the data elements as per the 21st Century Cures Act.

Who needs to get EVV Compliant?

EVV is a must for all the home care agencies that are delivering personal care as well as home health services. It is necessary because EVV helps states decide how to group and report data stored. Apart from this, EVV provides electronic proof about the services offered by the caregiver. A number of aspects like the location of service, date of service, types of services, report generation, and the beginning and end times of shifts are verified under EVV.

Why to get EVV Compliant?

If a home care agency fails to adhere to the State mandated rules, it will be denied claims and can also lead to termination from the Medicaid program. Also, the provider will be subjected to non-payment or denial of sanctions, fines, or either face suspension.

As a home care agency, it is important for you to complete the testing and the process with the aggregator Sandata. We also suggest you stay updated and implement the best home care software.

Why choose CareSmartz360?

Choosing reliable and trustworthy home care software is a must. CareSmartz360 is compliant with Idaho’s state EVV system. The software allows you to focus on business goals while its smart features handle the operation.

CareSmartz360 EVV compliant software provides you error-freework flow as it assists in:

  • Centralizing workflow for all parties involved (Clients, caregivers and agencies)
  • Eliminating manual handling of data
  • Maintaining higher level of control on the caregivers.

Setting up EVV/EDI is Simple

  • CareSmartz360 is integrated with advanced capabilities and EVV/EDI to ensure agency owners stay compliant.
  • The software supports both 837P (Professional) and 837I (Institutional) file formats to send claims to the payers.

How EDI Benefits Home Care Agencies?

  • It allows receiving, sending and verifying data quickly, that too at a lower cost.
  • Everything happens electronically so delays of any sort are automatically avoided.
  • Claims are submitted using pre-defined formats which lead to fewer chances of claims getting denied.
  • Through EDI, agencies can cut down on the extra administrative expenses like purchasing paper, stationery and other supplies.

If you are looking forward to enhancing revenues, streamlining the process of scheduling, billing, payroll, and HR, CareSmartz360 is the perfect choice. If you want to become EVV compliant in Idaho before the deadline, contact us.

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EVV deadline is over! Do you still have time to implement and start EVV process?

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