fbpixel Arkansas, Get EVV Compliant Before July 31 | CareSmartz360

Arkansas, Get EVV Compliant Before July 31

Arkansas EVV Update- Get Compliant Before July 31

Home care agency owners in Arkansas are permitted to become EVV compliant before July 31, 2021. This federal mandate is essential for running your home care business smoothly without getting into any legal troubles, as well as in ensuring quality care services to the clients.

Why EVV was made necessary?

For every private-duty home care organization across the United States, it is important to become EVV compliant as it is mandated under the 21st Century Cures Act. According to the act, all home care agencies are required to comply with the State’s rules, they are operating their business from. If home care owners fail to get their agency EVV ready before the deadline, it will:

  • Lead to termination of Medicaid program
  • Denial of sanctions
  • Denial of claims
  • Non-payment of fines
  • Face suspension

Open EVV Model

Arkansas has the Open EVV Model, which means the home care agencies are free to choose the EVV provider of their choice. But, before you step ahead, make sure the Electronic Visit Verification software solution you choose for your home care agency is comprehensive, collects and stores all the business data elements.

Which agencies should become EVV compliant and why?

Home care agencies that offer home care as well personal care services are deemed to become compliant. Agencies that are EVV compliant receive several benefits like:

  • Avoid Medicaid fraud
  • Digitization of home care business
  • Reduces communication gap between caregivers, managers, and clients
  • Real-time tracking of caregiver’s location
  • Automated time-tracking
  • More control over caregivers, clients, overall business activities

Essentials before getting compliant

Home care agencies are advised to test the EVV solution, look for the latest features and other processes involved along with aggregators HHAeXchange/Authenticare (FiServ). It is essential to test the software and stay updated because only comprehensive software will be able to help your business grow by reducing redundant administrative tasks, streamlining the workflow, and automating the processes.

Why choose CareSmartz360?

  • CareSmartz360 is HIPAA compliant, and a cloud-based home care software.
  • It is agile and intelligent as it is embedded with AI-induced features.
  • It helps agencies focus on key areas of business.
  • CareSmartz360 will streamline the workflow and keep all the members involved on an equal footing.
  • Reduce manual handling of large chunks of data files.
  • Integrated with EVV/EDI systems
  • Gives transparency over business operations
  • Gives full control to agencies over clients and caregivers
  • Supports both 837I (Institutional) and 837P (Professional) file formats for sending claims to the payers.

CareSmartz360 comes up with novel updates every month and upgrades itself to the rising needs and requirements of caregivers, clients, and home care agency owners. If you are looking forward to software that handles all business processes from HR, Training, Payroll, Billing, Scheduling, Managing shifts, and Clock-in/Clock-outs, etc., CareSmartz360 is the ultimate award-winning software for all the above.

Contact us, our team of experts will guide you through and help your home care business anywhere in Arkansas get EVV compliant before the deadline.

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How does EVV/EDI Work for Home Care Businesses?
How the EVV Good Faith Effort Exemption Impacts Home Care Agencies?

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