fbpixel Shift Status, Multiple Schedules, Family Feedback, EVV Updates

Shift Status, Multiple Schedules, Client Calendar View, Family Feedback, EVV Updates

Following are the changes in this release:

Ability to create a new shift when the existing shift is “Cancelled by Caregiver.”

When a Caregiver cancels or calls off from, their shift, you now have the option to mark the shift as “Cancelled by caregiver” and the system will ask if you would like to create a new open shift with the same attributes and in “Scheduled / Open Shift” status.

This allows you to view both on the calendar – one as in “Cancelled by Caregiver” and the other one as an Open Shift. The big benefit here is that A) You don’t have to lose the history of the Caregiver cancelling, and B) You can save on clicks!

Ability to create a new shift with the same attributes- CareSmartz360 Software Update
Now able to view both on the calendar one is Cancelled by Caregiver and Open Shift

Ability to edit multiple schedules at once from client and caregiver schedule calendar.

You already have this feature on the Schedule Calendar and Open Shift Calendar. Now you can Edit Multiple Schedules from the Client’s and Caregiver’s respective calendars as well. This allows you to easily perform selective updates of information in a recurring schedule, for example, if the times change for just one day of the week.

Ability to edit multiple schedules from client calender CareSmartz360 Software Update
Ability to edit multiple schedules from caregivers calender- CareSmartz360 Software Update
Ability to edit multiple schedules from client and caregiver schedule calendar

Ability to download client(s) calendar in bulk.

On the Client Search screen, if you select one or more Clients, you can now Download Client Calendars in bulk. From the Client Search screen, you can select one or more Clients to see a “Download” icon. Select a Month and Year, after which individual calendars for each selected client will be generated and a .zip file will be downloaded.

Ability to select bulk clients calender from client search screen- CareSmartz360 Software Update
Ability to download clients calendar in bulk- CareSmartz360 Software Update

Change in Phone Number Panel in the admin section.

In the admin section, you will now see a new phone panel while adding new agency user(s). The phone panel allows you to add different phone numbers of various phone types such as Fax, Mobile, Office, Work, etc.

If the user needs to receive text messages for CareSmartz360 notifications (like missed clock-in), the phone number type to receive those messages should be selected as “Mobile.”

Ability to change phone number panel in the admin section
The phone panel allows you to add different phone numbers of various phone types

Relabeling of Release visit plan to Publish Master Schedules

On the Web Portal, the Release Visit plan has been relabeled as Publish Master Schedules to be more online with the name Master Schedule in the client profile.

Release Visit plan has been relabeled as Publish Master Schedules

Updates to the Family Feedback section on the Web portal, Caregiver Portal, and app.

In the Web Portal, the agency will be able to add family feedback if the caregiver forgets to add it from the caregiver app.

On the schedule window, the Caregiver notes section has been relabeled to Notes. Under the Notes section, there will be two sections: Caregiver Notes and Caregiver Notes for Family.

Caregiver Notes will function as they have in the past.

Caregiver Notes for Family will be the family feedback section where the agency user will be able to add feedback on behalf of the caregiver.

In the Caregiver Portal, Caregiver(s) will be able to see a new section in the name of Caregiver Notes for Family instead of Family Feedback. In this new section, they can view the feedback given by the caregiver for the family along with the ability to add a new one as well for the schedule.

Please note, in Office Settings, Dashboard/Care History, Caregiver Portal, and Client Portal, Family Feedback has been relabeled as Caregiver Notes for Family.

Mobile Updates

Showing last 7 days of Family feedback in caregiver app

Caregiver(s) will be able to see a list of the last 7 days of Caregiver Notes for Family entered by other caregivers along with the option to add new Caregiver Notes for Family.

New updated version available on stores will be 2.13 for iOS and Android both Starting June 2, 2021.

EVV Updates

1. TELLUS updates

a. Sending Invoice amount and units in Rendered Services file for TELLUS

For Completed shifts, the data for Invoice Amounts and Units will now be sent along with the existing details being sent in the Rendered Services file.

b. Ability to sync Diagnosis Codes manually under Claim codes

Under the Clients → Claim Codes tab, you will have the ability to sync the diagnosis codes on schedules where they are not present.

Claim codes will be copied only on those schedules where they are not currently present. For the existing schedules, the previously applied claim codes will remain the same.

Ability to sync Diagnosis Codes manually under Claim codes

c. Ability to add diagnosis codes under claim codes

You will have the ability to manually add new diagnosis codes in the system in case you are not able to find one in the current database.

2. HHA Exchange Updates

a. HHA exchange – All states – You will no longer be prompted for Visit Edit Reason Codes when changing a caregiver on a schedule.

3. Sandata Updates

a. New filter for Service type on Sandata Post screen

You will have the ability to filter records on Posted and Not Posted screens both based on service types.

Ability to filter records on Posted and Not Posted screens on Sandata post screen

b. Updates made in the state of PA for PADHS OMAP PH MCO Program Addendums for MCOs, Aetna, and Geisinger payers.

c. Updates made in the state of North Carolina related to the following sections

Client Qualifier & Client ID Qualifier should be Client Medicaid ID in the file being posted to Sandata.

Scheduled Start & End Time – Exception will apply if the information is missing

Below mentioned 2 new exceptions will be applied in the system starting July 9, 2021.

1. Unscheduled Visit (Value = 5)

2. No Show (Value = 21)

These exception codes will not be required until 7/9. Visits will not be affected till then

4. Integration with HHAeXchange – Aetna in the state of New York

5. Integration with Authenticare in the state of Delaware

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