fbpixel Delaware Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Solution

Delaware’s Trusted EVV+
Home Care Software Partner

An all-in-one home care software to meet Delaware's EVV standards and ease home care management.

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    Make Medicaid Claims and
    EVV Compliance Simple

    EVV Model: Open Model | Aggregator: Sandata |
    CareSmartz360 EVV Solution: Available
    Implementation Deadline: December 30, 2022

    CareSmartz360, our advanced home care software, is integrated with a Delaware- approved aggregator. It has a telephony & GPS-Enabled Mobile App solution to assist Medicaid- enforcing businesses in meeting state EVV requirements. Our EVV solution enables agencies to streamline operations and ensure compliance with easy-to-use features.

    • HIPAA & EVV Compliant
    • Smart Telephony
    • Manage Schedules
    • Automated Billing
    • Robust EVV Reporting
    • Open APIs
    • GPS-Enabled Mobile App
    • Caregiver Tracking
    • Error-Free Medicaid Claim Submission
    • Point of Care Documentation
    • Easy Migration
    • Award-Winning Support

    Request CareSmartz360 EVV solution information

    Understanding Delaware’s Electronic Visit Verification

    The 21st Century Cures Act mandates Delaware to have an EVV system in place by January 1, 2023, for Personal Care Services (PCS). The Delaware Division of Medicaid and Medical Assistance (DMMA) is working closely to implement an EVV system for Home Care Services in 2022.

    In support of Delaware’s EVV system, DMMA and DDDS need information from the state regarding EVV. The state vendor must complete the survey, which is short and easy. The deadline to complete the survey is May 27, 2022.

    Delaware's Home Care Regulations & Facts

    Do you know?

    While Delaware is one of the smallest states in the country, it is also home to a large senior population because of the state's senior-friendly tax policies, which is why Delaware is known as a tax haven for retirees. The Delaware Assistance for Caregivers program is unique for supporting individuals who need care. Additionally, there are some other regulations that home care providers and workers must abide by, which are:

    • The minimum pay for caregivers in Delaware is $14.80 per hour.
    • Delaware labor laws do not have any mandates governing the payment of overtime. The Federal overtime laws apply here.
    • Home care providers in Delaware must obtain a license from the Delaware Department of Health. Their business must be covered by both General/ Professional liability and Workman's Compensation.
    • Seniors in Delaware can easily apply for Medicaid benefits through the state's online portal, Delaware ASSIST.
    • Home care workers in Delaware are entitled to leaves or time off, including election official leave, crime victim leave, military leave, jury duty leave, and isolation/quarantine leave.
    • The Delaware Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities require caregiver skills training throughout the year.
    • A caregiver in Delaware is entitled to a mileage reimbursement allowance at the rate of $0.40 per mile.

    Using home care management software can make your life easier. The GPS-enabled technology helps Delaware Home Care Agencies to adhere to state EVV, leave, reimbursement, and wage laws. Additionally, the agencies can ensure that their demands for payroll, billing, care plans, and other operational requirements are met.

    See how CareSmartz360 helps meet Delaware's strict laws & regulations!

    Home Care Regulations & Facts

    A User-Friendly Mobile EVV Solution for Delaware

    Responsively designed and feature-rich apps to seamlessly run your home care agency on the go.

    Caregiver App

    GPS-enabled app to seamlessly manage caregiver visits.

    • Multilingual Support
    • Electronic Visit Verification
    • Easy Clock-In/Clock-Out
    • Verify Visits at the Point of Care
    • View Care Plans on the Go
    • Shift Tasks & Shift Status
    • Offline Mode & Alerts
    Mobile EVV Solution for Home Care Agencies

    Mobile App for
    Agency Staff

    Increase agency staff productivity and organize daily activities on-the-go.

    • Electronic Visit Verification
    • Easy Calendar View
    • Real-time Communication
    • Streamline Client Management
    • Simplify Caregiver Management
    • Easy Information Access
    • Easy to Use

    All-in-One Homecare Management Solution For Delaware

    CareSmartz360 is a trusted partner for Delaware home care agencies looking to scale their operations while meeting state laws and regulations, including EVV standards.

    CareSmartz360 Home Care Management Solution

    Solutions Tailored for Diverse Home Care Agency Users

    A Complete Guide to Home Care in Delaware

    • Delaware Home Care Laws & Regulations
    • State's Care Plan & Medication Management Regulations
    • Home Care Staff Screening & Training Requirements
    • EVV Mandates and Medicaid Coverage Laws
    • Challenges Faced by Agencies in Delaware
    • How CareSmartz360 Helps Overcome These Challenges?
    Guide To Home Care In Delaware
    Guide To Home Care In Delaware

    FAQs: Home Care in Delaware

    Delaware is an open model state, and the state can now implement EVV till December 30, 2022.

    The Delaware Division of Medicaid and Medical Assistance (DMMA) aims at:

    • Improving the health and well-being of Delaware Medicaid members by confirming that home care services are delivered as per their Plan of Care.
    • Helping home care agencies implement and maintain a system that appropriately tracks Medicaid services.
    • Reducing and avoiding possibilities of fraud, waste, and abuse in the Delaware Medicaid program.

    The key technologies that help in implementing Electronic Visit Verification and care delivery information at the service location in Delaware are:

    • Mobile Visit Verification (MVV): - a GPS-enabled mobile application downloaded on a smartphone or a tablet.

    • Telephony Visit Verification (TVV):- a system that’s accessed via a toll-free number and is accessible 24 hours a day & 7 hours a week.

    ASSIST is an online application for the citizens of Delaware to apply for health and social service programs. This online portal assists seniors in applying for Medicaid programs and helps determine their eligibility and apply for state benefits with complete ease.

    The complete data that must be captured during a visit is:

    • The type of service performed
    • The full name of the individual receiving the service
    • The full name of the individual providing the service
    • The specific date the service was provided
    • The physical address (location) where the service was provided
    • The time the service begins and ends

    The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires home care workers to receive overtime pay at one and a half times their regular pay rate for all the hours worked more than 40 per week.

    Yes. Delaware is an at-will employment state, which means that home care providers have the right to discharge workers for any reason or no reason as long as the reason is not prohibited by the law, such as retaliation protections or discrimination.

    CareSmartz360- the home care software solution speeds up the billing processing time and reduces repetitive manual tasks. It:

    • Automates and tracks invoices.
    • Facilitates easy QuickBooks Export through Open APIs.
    • Splits the bill for two different payers.
    • Customizes invoice format according to payer requirements.
    • Facilities state-wise Medicaid billing.
    • Offers unified claim submissions, payments, and electronic billing.

    Switching from an old home care software to CareSmartz360 is effortless- all thanks to open APIs, making it an ideal migration tool. These make transition hassle-free and onboarding easy. You can connect CareSmartz360 with any existing tool like QuickBooks, Paychex, Waystar, etc.

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    Our users reported 95% customer satisfaction in 2023. Schedule a personal walkthrough to see CareSmartz360 in action.

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