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July, 2021

New Features and Updates

July Update Brings Communication Notes, Caregiver Calendar, EVV Updates

Following are the changes in this release:

NOTE: Not all features are immediately available to all agency users. You should always go to Admin Settings and update the permissions for your agency users at the time of a new feature release if required for that feature.

The update on the app will be available on July 14 with Version number 2.14 for both iOS & Android. Caregivers will need to update their app on that date, prior to clocking in.

Ability to view and add Communication Notes from Schedule Calendar > Group by Caregiver.

This feature was already present on Schedule Calendar > Group by Client and now added to “Group by Caregiver”. Agencies will now be able to “View/Add communication” notes from the Schedule Calendar > Group by Caregiver itself.

Ability to view and add Communication Notes from Group by Caregiver on Schedule Calendar

Ability to Download Caregiver(s) Calendar in bulk.

On the Caregiver Search screen, if you select one or more Caregivers, you can now Download Caregiver Calendars in bulk. From the Caregiver Search screen, you can select one or more Caregivers to see a “Download” icon. Select a Month and Year, after which individual calendars for each selected caregiver will be generated and a .zip file will be downloaded.

Ability to Download Caregivers Calendar in bulk - CareSmartz360 update
selected caregiver will be generated and a .zip file will be downloaded.

Status should be part of the recurrence

For the agency user(s) the recurrence pop-up would now appear when the schedule is created with status either as ‘Schedule’ or ‘Unapproved’. The recurrence schedule(s) would now be created with the same status.

Ability to Edit Caregiver Notes after publishing to client portal

Agency & Admin User(s) will have the ability to edit the caregiver notes after they have published once and make necessary updates before they could re-publish it again.

Users will have the ability to edit the caregiver notes after they have published
Users will have the ability to edit the caregiver notes before they have re-published

Removed email uniqueness from Caregiver Email Address

We have removed the email uniqueness from caregiver email address across the application. However, for EVV – Sandata posting, agency/admin(s) would have to ensure that caregiver email address is unique at the time of posting otherwise it might lead to rejections.

NOTE: IF you will be submitting your EVV data to Sandata, you will need to have a unique email address for each caregiver.

EVV Updates

1. Sandata Updates

a. Ability to bulk update reason codes on the Data -> posted screen. User(s) can now perform a bulk update on the Data posted screen in case they wish to add the same reason code for multiple shift(s)

b. User will be able to see Pending Sync section on the Data posted screen

i. Purpose of the pending sync functionality is to have all the records in 1 place that were posted and received the UUID notification.

ii. The background service will run that will get the UUID and automatically move the record in Data Posted screen with the latest status.

iii. In case if the user wants to manually sync the records, he/she can do the same by clicking on the bulk sync button.

c. As per the guidelines from Sandata in the state of North Carolina, 2 new exceptions will be applied starting July 9, 2021.

i. Unscheduled Visits

ii. No Show

d. On the Sandata Data post screen, User(s) will see all the required filters(s) as selected with default date range of last 1 week but data will only be loaded when the user(s) click(s) on the search button.

i. System will not load the data by default, user(s) will have the ability to select the options from filters and then click on search to see what specific data they are looking for.

Sandata Update- Users can now perform a bulk update on the Data posted screen

TELLUS Updates

a. Update on Diagnosis codes

i. On the TELLUS Data posted screen, user(s) will now be able to see Diagnosis code column

ii. In case if the diagnosis codes are missing in any record, user will be able to do the sync manually from this screen itself by selecting the records they wish to

iii. Upon sync, User(s) will be prompted to confirm if they wish to sync the primary code in all schedules or on schedules where it is empty presently.

iv. On click of “Yes”, the diagnosis codes set as primary will be copied on all schedules & on click of “No”, the codes will be copied in schedules where diagnosis codes are empty.

able to see Diagnosis code column on the TELLUS Data posted screenUsers will be prompted to confirm if they wish to sync the primary code in all schedules

b. Ability to add Provider Medicaid ID on EVV integration under payer’s profile

i. For agencies in the state of GA, they can enter the provider Medicaid ID under payer profile, in case there services are payer dependent and would need a separate Medicaid ID to be sent to TELLUS for claim processing.

Mobile app Updates

New update on the Mobile app will be available on July 14 with Version number 2.14 for both iOS & Android with bug fixes.

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