fbpixel South Dakota Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Solution

South Dakota's Trusted EVV +
Home Care Software Partner

All-in-one home care management software for agencies to meet South Dakota's EVV standards, laws, and operational needs.

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    Make Medicaid Claims and
    EVV Compliance Simple

    EVV Model: Closed Model | Aggregator: Therap (CSV Export) |
    CareSmartz360 EVV Solution: Available
    Implementation Deadline: January 01, 2021

    Integrated with Therap in South Dakota, CareSmartz360's EVV solution enables agencies to streamline operations and ensure compliance with easy-to-use features. Our cloud-based home care software includes Telephony & GPS-Enabled Mobile App features to assist Medicaid enforcing providers in delivering quality care with easy-to-use features.

    • HIPAA & EVV Compliant
    • Smart Telephony
    • Manage Schedules
    • Automated Billing
    • Robust EVV Reporting
    • Open APIs
    • GPS-Enabled Mobile App
    • Caregiver Tracking
    • Error-Free Medicaid Claim Submission
    • Point of Care Documentation
    • Easy Migration
    • Award-Winning Support

    Request CareSmartz360 EVV solution information

    Understanding South Dakota’s Electronic Visit Verification

    Section 12006(a) of the 21st Century Cures Act mandates states to implement an Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) for all Medicaid personal care services beginning January 01, 2020.

    The Division of Long Term Service and Supports (LTSS) targeted January 2019 for piloting the EVV system with providers. To release a comprehensive EVV system and case management, LTSS decided to move the target date to May 2019 to identify a few providers to assist with piloting. The final implementation date is yet to be decided.

    South Dakota's Home Care Regulations & Facts

    Do you know?

    South Dakota is an ideal retirement choice for seniors, thanks to a low cost of living, no state income taxes, and quality care services. However, to maintain quality, the Division of Insurance of the South Dakota Department of Labor & Regulation regulates the home care industry in the state.

    Some laws and regulations which home care agencies must abide by:

    • The average pay for a caregiver is $17.26 per hour.
    • South Dakota home care providers must pay wages in cash or by check. A home care provider may also pay the worker by direct deposit in certain circumstances.
    • There are rules for pay frequency in South Dakota, which must be at least once in a calendar month, on regular paydays, agreed by the provider- well-in-advance.
    • The state does not have laws regarding the home care provider offering rest breaks or meal periods.
    • Unemployed professionals can apply for unemployment benefits like severance pay while seeking a new job. However, prospective workers have to meet specific requirements before being eligible for unemployment benefits.
    • South Dakota does not have a prevailing wage law governing government project wage rates.

    Using home care management software can make your life easier and help South Dakota Home Care Agencies verify and keep track of caregiver billing and payroll. Caregiver training helps caregivers expand their skills and lets them learn anywhere and anytime!

    See how CareSmartz360 helps meet South Dakota's strict laws & regulations!

    Home Care Regulations & Facts

    A User-Friendly Mobile EVV Solution for South Dakota

    Responsively designed and feature-rich apps to seamlessly run your home care agency on the go.

    Caregiver App

    GPS-enabled app to seamlessly manage caregiver visits.

    • Multilingual Support
    • Electronic Visit Verification
    • Easy Clock-In/Clock-Out
    • Verify Visits at the Point of Care
    • View Care Plans on the Go
    • Shift Tasks & Shift Status
    • Offline Mode & Alerts
    Mobile EVV Solution for Home Care Agencies

    Mobile App for
    Agency Staff

    Increase agency staff productivity and organize daily activities on-the-go.

    • Electronic Visit Verification
    • Easy Calendar View
    • Real-time Communication
    • Streamline Client Management
    • Simplify Caregiver Management
    • Easy Information Access
    • Easy to Use

    All-in-One Homecare Management Solution For South Dakota

    CareSmartz360 is a trusted partner for South Dakota home care agencies looking to scale their operations while meeting state laws and regulations.

    CareSmartz360 Home Care Management Solution

    Solutions Tailored for Diverse Home Care Agency Users

    A Complete Guide to Home Care in South Dakota

    • South Dakota Home Care Laws & Regulations
    • State's Care Plan & Medication Management Regulations
    • Home Care Staff Screening & Training Requirements
    • EVV Mandates and Medicaid Coverage Laws
    • Challenges Faced by Agencies in South Dakota
    • How CareSmartz360 Helps Overcome These Challenges?
    Guide To Home Care In South Dakota
    Guide To Home Care In South Dakota

    FAQs: Home Care in South Dakota

    The complete data that must be captured during a visit is:

    • The type of service performed
    • The full name of the individual receiving the service
    • The full name of the individual providing the service
    • The specific date the service was provided
    • The physical address (location) where the service was provided
    • The time the service begins and ends

    Participate in the one-day training session, and plan to have at least one PCA responsible to teach the rest of your office staff and PCAs.

    • Communicate to your office staff and PCAs about the AuthentiCare system.
    • Assess your internal processes as the system is being implemented.
    • After training, ensure that your office staff and PCAs are ready and able to use the system.
    • If applicable, download the AuthentiCare application for your or your staff’s mobile device.

    Yes, you can use the CareSmartz360 EVV system for your home care business in South Dakota.

    South Dakota home care workers are not required to provide their workers with unpaid or paid sick leave benefits. However, the agency must abide by the guidelines if it has enlisted some policies regarding sick leave benefits.

    There is no law that requires an employer to pay severance pay. This is a matter of agreement or contract between the employer and employee. If the applicant feels they are entitled to severance pay, they may file a claim in small claims court in an attempt to collect the compensation.

    The South Dakota Rules Review Committee gave thumbs up to state workers for travel expenses on official state business. There has been a change in the mileage reimbursement rate, which earlier was 42 cents, but now it is 51 cents per worker.

    There are no labor laws regarding compensatory time or overtime in South Dakota. However, federal law states that home care providers must pay their workers overtime at the rate of one-and-half times their regular pay.

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