fbpixel Massachusetts Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Solution

Massachusetts’ Trusted EVV +
Home Care Software Partner

All-in-one home care management software for agencies to meet Massachusetts’ EVV standards, laws, and operational needs.

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    Make Medicaid Claims and
    EVV Compliance Simple

    EVV Model: Open Model | Aggregator: HHAeXchange/ASAP |
    CareSmartz360 EVV Solution: Available
    Implementation Deadline: January 01, 2021

    Integrated with HHAeXchange/ASAP in Massachusetts, our advanced home care software has Telephony & GPS-Enabled Mobile App features to assist Medicaid-enforcing businesses in meeting state EVV requirements. CareSmartz360's EVV software solution enables agencies to streamline operations and ensure compliance with easy-to-use features.

    • HIPAA & EVV Compliant
    • Smart Telephony
    • Manage Schedules
    • Automated Billing
    • Robust EVV Reporting
    • Open APIs
    • GPS-Enabled Mobile App
    • Caregiver Tracking
    • Error-Free Medicaid Claim Submission
    • Point of Care Documentation
    • Easy Migration
    • Award-Winning Support

    Request CareSmartz360 EVV solution information

    Understanding Massachusetts’ Electronic Visit Verification

    Home Care Licensing Commission helps establish a statewide licensing process for home care agencies in the Commonwealth and mandates implementing an Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) system for Medicaid-funded Personal Care Services (PCS). Home care agencies require EVV to track and monitor service delivery and access to care for members.

    January 01, 2019

    Section 12006 within the 21st Century CURES Act listed a requirement for states to implement a compliant EVV system for Medicaid-funded Personal Care Services (PCS).

    January 01, 2021

    Like many other states dealing with strict EVV start deadlines, Massachusetts applied for and was granted a good faith exemption from the original EVV deadline. CMS had granted the extension, and January 01, 2021, was selected as the new implementation date.

    The 21st Century Cures Act required agencies to select an EVV system that electronically verifies their information.

    Massachusetts's Home Care Regulations & Facts

    Do you know?

    Massachusetts is one of the states that do not license or regulate the private pay and home care industry. These agencies do not work under the federal or state contract but assist families that shoulder these costs alone. Some laws and regulations on caregivers/employers in Massachusetts are:

    • If a caregiver is scheduled to work for 3 hours or more and is sent home, the home care provider must pay at least minimum wage.
    • Caregivers in Massachusetts are compensated for travel time, particularly when asked to go to a different location.
    • Massachusetts regulations mandate a 30-minute lunch break during shifts that are longer than six hours. There are no other rest breaks other than the lunch break.
    • Massachusetts mandates agencies to have their own written policy for time and attendance. Employees are required to enter their daily time through reported time, punch time, time collection device, interactive voice-response, and phoning or emailing hours.
    • Caregivers must also report their overtime or compensatory time in the same pay period in which it is earned.

    A home care management software can help you abide by Massachusetts non-medical industry laws. Time tracking, billing, and payroll become accessible- all thanks to the GPS-enabled technology.

    See how CareSmartz360 helps meet Massachusetts's strict laws & regulations!

    Home Care Regulations & Facts

    A User-Friendly Mobile EVV Solution for Massachusetts

    Responsively designed and feature-rich apps to seamlessly run your home care agency on the go.

    Caregiver App

    GPS-enabled app to seamlessly manage caregiver visits.

    • Multilingual Support
    • Electronic Visit Verification
    • Easy Clock-In/Clock-Out
    • Verify Visits at the Point of Care
    • View Care Plans on the Go
    • Shift Tasks & Shift Status
    • Offline Mode & Alerts
    Mobile EVV Solution for Home Care Agencies

    Mobile App for
    Agency Staff

    Increase agency staff productivity and organize daily activities on-the-go.

    • Electronic Visit Verification
    • Easy Calendar View
    • Real-time Communication
    • Streamline Client Management
    • Simplify Caregiver Management
    • Easy Information Access
    • Easy to Use

    All-in-One Homecare Management Solution For Massachusetts

    CareSmartz360 is a trusted partner for Massachusetts home care agencies looking to scale their operations while meeting state laws and regulations, including EVV standards.

    CareSmartz360 Home Care Management Solution

    Solutions Tailored for Diverse Home Care Agency Users

    A Complete Guide to Home Care in Massachusetts

    • Massachusetts Home Care Laws & Regulations
    • State's Care Plan & Medication Management Regulations
    • Home Care Staff Screening & Training Requirements
    • EVV Mandates and Medicaid Coverage Laws
    • Challenges Faced by Agencies in Massachusetts
    • How CareSmartz360 Helps Overcome These Challenges?
    Guide To Home Care In Massachusetts
    Guide To Home Care In Massachusetts

    FAQs: Home Care in Massachusetts

    Massachusetts is an open model state, and its EVV implementation deadline was January 01, 2021.

    The Electronic Visit Verification solution helps verify which caregivers have clocked in and clocked out on time and total billable hours spent on the shift. This helps sort confusions related to invoicing, settling disputes, and legal compliance.

    Under this exemption, caregivers employed to provide "companionship services" to elderly persons or persons with illnesses, injuries, or disabilities are not required to be paid the minimum wage or overtime pay.

    Yes, Massachusetts law requires employers to reimburse employees for reasonable expenses, which may include mileage, incurred during the course of employment, unless otherwise agreed upon. As of 2024, the federal mileage reimbursement rate for home care workers in Massachusetts is 65.5 cents per mile for business use of a personal vehicle.

    Massachusetts Medicaid EVV requirements (popular under the name MassHealth EVV) will need to be addressed and prepared by agencies operating within the state. The Massachusetts Medicaid program is administered by the Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) to provide an EVV system which complies with the federal Medicaid requirements and also minimizes the undue burden on the users.

    According to the state regulation, an on-call time is compensable working time unless the employee is not required to be at the work site and is free to use their time for their own purposes.

    In Massachusetts, overtime compensation is calculated as 1.5 times the regular hourly rate for hours worked over 40 in a workweek, or for certain employees, over 8 hours in a workday.

    In Massachusetts, a caregiver generally has the right to refuse a schedule change at work, unless otherwise specified in an employment contract or collective bargaining agreement.

    If you have an existing EVV-based solution in use, it should:

    • Ensure the EVV system collects all information required by the CURES Act.
    • Monitor and track caregivers/attendants to verify delivery of care needed.
    • Encourage all Medicaid-funded Personal Care Services recipients to use EVV, explaining the risk of losing service eligibility if EVV is refused.

    Suppose you are not under an agreement with an EVV vendor, you should identify and contract an EVV vendor as soon as possible, ensuring the vendor of choice collects all required information.

    You can send key documents related to the patient: medical history, diagnosis reports, etc. to the agency, right from the portal.

    The compatibility tab lists all your caregivers, and you can assign a compatibility like Preferred or Not Preferred. You can also see, at a glance, which caregivers have cared for the client and how many hours they have spent together.

    While creating/modifying a schedule, if you select the ‘Show Recommended Caregivers’ checkbox, the system will show a list of caregivers who are suitable for the job based on the attribute, distance from the client, skills, client restrictions, etc.

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