fbpixel Hawaii Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Solution

Hawaii’s Trusted EVV +
Home Care Software Partner

#1 Home care management software to ease EVV and transform the way you provide care.

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    Make Medicaid Claims and
    EVV Compliance Simple

    EVV Model: Open Model | Aggregator: Sandata & HHAeXchange |
    CareSmartz360 EVV Solution: Available
    Implementation Deadline: January 01, 2021

    CareSmartz360, a leading home care software, is integrated with a Hawaii- approved aggregator. Telephony & a GPS-Enabled Mobile App solution assists Medicaid (MedQUEST) enforcing businesses in meeting state EVV requirements. Our EVV solution enables agencies to streamline operations and ensure compliance with easy-to-use features.

    • HIPAA & EVV Compliant
    • Smart Telephony
    • Manage Schedules
    • Automated Billing
    • Robust EVV Reporting
    • Open APIs
    • GPS-Enabled Mobile App
    • Caregiver Tracking
    • Error-Free Medicaid Claim Submission
    • Point of Care Documentation
    • Easy Migration
    • Award-Winning Support

    Request CareSmartz360 EVV solution information

    Understanding Hawaii’s Electronic Visit Verification

    Med-QUEST Division (MQD) has mandated implementing an Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) system for Medicaid-funded Personal Care Services (PCS). The Department utilizes EVV to track and monitor service delivery and access to care for members. EVV in Hawaii was implemented in phases, which were as follows:

    February 05, 2020

    3rd party EVV visit file layout and guidance was uploaded to the “Resources” tab.

    February 17, 2020

    The state of Hawaii mandated the use of EVV.

    January 01, 2021

    State mandated the use of EVV by December 30, 2020 and chose the state aggregators for EVV implementation.

    The system implemented by MQD would record the type of service, date of service, the service start and end time, individual receiving the service, the service provider, and service location. Know that EVV will impact both agencies and non-agency providers. The 21st Century Cures Act required agencies to select an EVV system that electronically verifies their information.

    Hawaii's Home Care Regulations & Facts

    Do you know?

    Hawaii is an at-will state, meaning the home care provider has the right to terminate employment relationships at any time and for any reason. Therefore, home care workers must be aware of their rights and abide by the state regulations, some of which are:

    • The minimum cash wage in Hawaii is $10.10 per hour, which is greater than the federal minimum wage.
    • The Kupuna Caregivers Assistance is a law in Hawaii that seeks to help the elderly and grandparents.
    • Hawaii recognized the increasing number of workers in the sandwich generations- those with multiple caregiving responsibilities and offered benefits to retain them.
    • In Hawaii, Chapter 360 of the Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS) states requirements for an uninterrupted break of at least 20 minutes after six consecutive hours of work.
    • Hawaii has a double-time pay wherein the home care provider must pay each home care worker around 1.5 times the regular rate for more than 40 hours of the work week.

    A home care management software can help you abide by Hawaii’s non-medical industry laws. Record keeping, maintaining billing, and automating payroll can be easy with GPS-enabled technology.

    See how CareSmartz360 helps meet Hawaii's strict laws & regulations!

    Home Care Regulations & Facts

    A User-Friendly Mobile EVV Solution for Hawaii

    Responsively designed and feature-rich apps to seamlessly run your home care agency on the go.

    Caregiver App

    GPS-enabled app to seamlessly manage caregiver visits.

    • Multilingual Support
    • Electronic Visit Verification
    • Easy Clock-In/Clock-Out
    • Verify Visits at the Point of Care
    • View Care Plans on the Go
    • Shift Tasks & Shift Status
    • Offline Mode & Alerts
    Mobile EVV Solution for Home Care Agencies

    Mobile App for
    Agency Staff

    Increase agency staff productivity and organize daily activities on-the-go.

    • Electronic Visit Verification
    • Easy Calendar View
    • Real-time Communication
    • Streamline Client Management
    • Simplify Caregiver Management
    • Easy Information Access
    • Easy to Use

    All-in-One Homecare Management Solution For Hawaii

    CareSmartz360 is a trusted partner for Hawaii home care agencies looking to scale their operations while meeting state laws and regulations, including EVV standards.

    CareSmartz360 Home Care Management Solution

    Solutions Tailored for Diverse Home Care Agency Users

    A Complete Guide to Home Care in Hawaii

    • Hawaii’s Home Care Laws & Regulations
    • State's Care Plan & Medication Management Regulations
    • Home Care Staff Screening & Training Requirements
    • EVV Mandates and Medicaid Coverage Laws
    • Challenges Faced by Agencies in Hawaii
    • How CareSmartz360 Helps Overcome These Challenges?
    Guide To Home Care In Hawaii
    Guide To Home Care In Hawaii

    FAQs: Home Care in Hawaii

    You must employ an EVV system in order to deliver home care services and be paid by Med-QUEST. Claims submitted outside of this system will be rejected if you do not use an EVV system.

    Yes, you can use the EVV software of your choice. However, it should integrate well with state aggregators for visit data sharing.

    Hawaii Medicaid programs are as follows:

    • QUEST Integration
    • Medically Needy Spend down Program
    • Emergency Medical Assistance for Non-Citizens
    • Special Medical Assistance Coverage and Programs
    • Premium Assistance Program
    • Breast and Cervical Cancer Program
    • Death Payment Program
    • Refugee Medical Assistance
    • Medical Assistance for Repatriates

    Section 321-14.8 of the Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS) establishes the authority of DOH to license the home care agencies in Hawaii and enforce some administrative rules.

    Yes. Hawaii's Medicaid managed care plan, Med-QUEST includes in-home care benefits for seniors over 65 and above who need support to remain safe in their homes. The agencies offer support on a case by case basis and may include meal delivery, errand service, and personal care, among others.

    The Kupuna Caregivers Program (KCGP) is a pilot program launched in 2018 that came into effect for employed Hawaiian residents. The program was administered by the Hawaii Executive Office on Aging (EOA) and implemented through local Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ARDCs). The program aimed at easing the financial burden of providing care to an elderly loved one.

    There are no asset or income limits to qualify for the Kupuna Caregivers Program. Caregivers must provide care to an elderly individual who is a US citizen or is at least 60 years of age. The caregivers must work at least 30 hours per week and do not have to live with the care recipient.

    Hawaii is providing caregiving benefits as a competitive recruitment and retention tool to attract “sandwich generation” job seekers. These benefits include flexible work arrangements, onsite or subsidized eldercare consultants. Providing time off is another powerful benefit that acts as a retention tool.

    Yes. Hawaii is an at-will state, which means that the home care provider does not have to give a reason to the caregiver to let you go, lay you off, or fire you unless you have a contract with the home care provider to be notified of the reason.

    CareSmartz360's EVV-based solution helps agencies comply with the 21st Century Cures Act. Some ways in which the home care software feature is helpful are:

    • Improved service accountability.
    • Reduced billing errors and claim denial rates.
    • Reduced manual processes and use of paper due to streamlined automation.
    • Streamlined communications between provider offices and caregivers.
    • Service dashboard with reporting capabilities.
    • Search, select, assign and schedule a caregiver easily.

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    Our users reported 95% customer satisfaction in 2023. Schedule a personal walkthrough to see CareSmartz360 in action.

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