fbpixel Alaska Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Solution

Alaska’s Trusted EVV +
Home Care Software Partner

An all-in-one home care software to understand Alaska's EVV standards and ease home care management.

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    Make DenaliCare Claims and
    EVV Compliance Simple

    EVV Model: Open Model | Aggregator: Therap |
    CareSmartz360 EVV Solution: Available
    Implementation Deadline: January 01, 2021

    CareSmartz360, our advanced home care software, is integrated with an Alaska-approved aggregator. It has a telephony & GPS-Enabled Mobile App solution to assist Medicaid- enforcing businesses in meeting state EVV requirements. Our EVV solution enables agencies to streamline operations and ensure compliance with easy-to-use features.

    • HIPAA & EVV Compliant
    • Smart Telephony
    • Manage Schedules
    • Automated Billing
    • Robust EVV Reporting
    • Open APIs
    • GPS-Enabled Mobile App
    • Caregiver Tracking
    • Error-Free Medicaid Claim Submission
    • Point of Care Documentation
    • Easy Migration
    • Award-Winning Support

    Request CareSmartz360 EVV solution information

    Understanding Alaska’s Electronic Visit Verification

    Beginning January 1, 2021, Alaska Personal Care Services providers must collect EVV data to comply with Section 12006(a) of the 21st Century Cures Act. Alaska has chosen an open model with Therap serving as the aggregator.

    Affected Services

    The EVV requirement in Alaska applies to all personal care, including:

    • Personal Care – Agency Based: T1019
    • Personal Care – Consumer Directed: T1019 U3
    • Personal Care – Agency Based Community First Choice: S5125
    • Personal Care – Consumer Directed Community First Choice: S5125 SE
    • Skills Building Personal Care Community First Choice: S5108

    Alaska's Home Care Regulations & Facts

    Do you know?

    The Health Facilities Licensing & Certification Division works on behalf of CMS to ensure that home care providers meet the federal, quality, and state licensure regulations in order to keep their businesses operating legally. The following few rules must be followed if you want to determine whether your organization complies with the current regulations:

    • Home care workers in Alaska are entitled to a minimum wage of $10.34 per hour.
    • Beyond the minimum wage, overtime pay is due for domestic caregivers who work longer hours.
    • Home care employees who have a change in worksite location must be compensated for any travel time over the time normally required to report to their regular work site.
    • For live-in home care workers, If the sleeping period is interrupted by work, this time is compensable.
    • An employer shall give each employee a written or electronic statement of earnings and deductions for each period.
    • Agencies can develop their own staff training requirements based on the needs of their clients.
    • Direct service providers and agency administrators must pass a state criminal background check.

    Using home care management software can make your life easier. The GPS-enabled technology helps Alaska Home Care Agencies to adhere to state EVV, leave, reimbursement, and wage laws. Additionally, the agencies can ensure that their demands for payroll, billing, care plans, and other operational requirements are met.

    See how CareSmartz360 helps meet Alaska's strict laws & regulations!

    Home Care Regulations & Facts

    A User-Friendly Mobile EVV Solution for Alaska

    Responsively designed and feature-rich apps to seamlessly run your home care agency on the go.

    Caregiver App

    GPS-enabled app to seamlessly manage caregiver visits.

    • Multilingual Support
    • Electronic Visit Verification
    • Easy Clock-In/Clock-Out
    • Verify Visits at the Point of Care
    • View Care Plans on the Go
    • Shift Tasks & Shift Status
    • Offline Mode & Alerts
    Mobile EVV Solution for Home Care Agencies

    Mobile App for
    Agency Staff

    Increase agency staff productivity and organize daily activities on-the-go.

    • Electronic Visit Verification
    • Easy Calendar View
    • Real-time Communication
    • Streamline Client Management
    • Simplify Caregiver Management
    • Easy Information Access
    • Easy to Use

    All-in-One Homecare Management Solution For Alaska

    CareSmartz360 is a trusted partner for Alaska home care agencies looking to scale their operations while meeting state laws and regulations, including EVV standards.

    CareSmartz360 Home Care Management Solution

    Solutions Tailored for Diverse Home Care Agency Users

    A Complete Guide to Home Care in Alaska

    • Alaska Home Care Laws & Regulations
    • State's Care Plan & Medication Management Regulations
    • Home Care Staff Screening & Training Requirements
    • EVV Mandates and Medicaid Coverage Laws
    • Challenges Faced by Agencies in Alaska
    • How CareSmartz360 Helps Overcome These Challenges?
    Guide To Home Care In Alaska
    Guide To Home Care In Alaska

    FAQs: Home Care in Alaska

    Alaska is an open model state, and its EVV implementation deadline was January 01, 2021.

    Alaska has announced that it will deny claims for services provided without EVV compliance. To avoid your agency being at risk of claim denials, it is vital to have a robust system that integrates EVV into claims generation.

    The complete data that must be captured during a visit is:

    • The type of service performed
    • The full name of the individual receiving the service
    • The full name of the individual providing the service
    • The specific date the service was provided
    • The physical address (location) where the service was provided
    • The time the service begins and ends

    The Alaska Independent Living Medicaid Waiver and the Community First Choice Personal Care Services Program cover Medicaid for in-home care.

    In Alaska, what constitutes overtime? According to Alaska's laws, every hour worked beyond 40 in a workweek is regarded as overtime work. An employee who works more than 8 hours per day or more than 40 consecutive hours per week must be paid 1.5 times their regular rate of pay.

    Time spent traveling is considered work and must be counted as hours worked if it is part of the employee's primary activity of the work day, such as taking a client to a doctor's appointment. When an employee is directed to provide services at one facility and then assigned to another, the time spent traveling between the two locations is also compensable time. Regular home-to-work travel is not compensable.

    No. Because each state has its own Medicaid eligibility requirements, you cannot simply transfer coverage from one state to another, nor can you use your coverage while visiting another state unless you require emergency medical care.

    You can simplify your life by utilizing CareSmartz360 home care management software. With the use of GPS-enabled technology, Alaska Home Care Agencies may quickly check and keep track of caregiver training, visits, scheduling, billing, payroll, leave policies, and more while being EVV compliant.

    Clock-in and out of a caregiver are monitored through the caregiver portal, browser, and mobile app. Agencies can view this information using home care software like CareSmartz360's time tracking view.

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