fbpixel CareSmartz360 Release Major Software Updates for October

Custom Assessment & Caregiver Applicant Form, Caregiver Portal, Mobile App, EVV Integration, & EDI Updates

Following are the changes in this release:

Ability to capture ‘Date of Birth’ and ‘Position Held’ in the Caregiver Applicant form

Agency user(s) will now be able to capture the ‘Date of Birth’ and ‘Position Held’ through the Caregiver applicant form. ‘Date of Birth’ will be available under the General section and ‘Position Held’ will be available under the Employment History section. This information will be carried over to the Caregiver profile with the conversion from applicant to Caregiver.

Caregiver Application Form Update
Employer Information Update

Ability to attach documents to Prospective clients’ profiles

Agency user(s) will now be able to attach documents to the Prospective Client’s profile. The Key Document tab is made available in the profile. When converting a prospect to a Client, these documents will be carried over to the Client profile as well. As this is a prospect so options to share the document with Clients and Caregivers will not be available.

Key Document Tab Update in Prospective Client’s Profile

Ability to view additional entities in Task/Communication report

Agency user(s) will now have ‘Caregiver Applicant’, ‘Address Book’, and ‘Other Staff’ available in addition to the Client, Caregiver, Payer, and Prospective Client, in the Entity Type filter. This will allow users to review the data of the additional entities.

Additional Entities Tab in Task And Communication Report

The Care Plan PDF will now contain the Client’s relation with Emergency contact

Agency user(s) will now be able to see the Client’s relation with Emergency contact on the Care Plan PDF. This improvement only applies to the Basic Assessment (legacy) at present. The same enhancement will come in a future update for the Custom forms.

Client's Relation Update in the Care Plan PDF

The Observation Date will now be Printed on Custom Assessment Form

In the previous release, this was implemented on Basic Assessment (legacy). Now, the Observation Date will be printed on the Custom Assessment form as well.

Observation Date Update in Custom Assessment Form

Caregivers would now be able to reset their own Security Question (Caregiver Portal + Mobile App)

On the caregiver portal & Mobile app, under “My Profile” section, the ability to edit the security question/answer option will be available for the users. This section will be editable for the user to update either or both, i.e. security question and answer. The existing security question & answer will be pre-filled and there will be an icon available to edit the security question and answer if the caregiver wishes to do so.

Security Question Update In Caregiver Portal & Mobile App
Security Question And Answer Update In Caregiver Portal & Mobile App

Caregiver Portal & Mobile App Security Question Update

Mobile App Updates – Agency App

Ability to edit Caregiver notes from the Agency app

Users will have the ability to edit the caregiver notes from the agency app itself like they were able to do so from the web portal earlier on.
Any change done in this section will reflect on the portal as well.

Ability to show attachments on the Caregiver notes tab in Agency app

Users will be able to see the attachments attached in the caregiver notes section along with the ability to download/view the attachment in case required.

Caregiver Notes Tab in Agency App

Ability to define base territory & select any other territory from the agency app

Users will be to define the base territory of the caregiver along with the ability to multi-select other territories if they wish. The workflow remains the same as on the web portal.

Territory Section Update in Agency App

EVV Updates

HHA Updates

Visit edit reason codes & missed visit reason codes are updated for all states where HHA is being used as an aggregator.
Ability to submit files to SFTP folder directly to HHA

Users will be able to submit .CSV files to SFTP folder directly to HHA in the /Inbox folder from HHA billed visit (V5) & HHA missed visit reports (V5) on click of the button. Once the user clicks on the send button, the file will be transferred to SFTP folder in .CSV format.

Please note, in order to use the SFTP option, the user will have to enable the same under the EVV configuration section after HHA is selected as the aggregator.

CareSmartz360 EVV Configuration Update
CareSmartz360 EVV Configuration Section Update

Ability to add Admission ID under client’s profile as secondary ID in case the client has multiple profiles in HHA in the state of New Jersey.

Alternative Medicaid ID field is being used for secondary ID in case of having multiple profiles in HHA portal.

Alternative Medicaid ID Update in HHA portal

Sandata Updates

Task mapping feature available for below-mentioned states

    1. Arizona

    2. Indiana

    3. Colorado

General Updates for Ohio state will be available

Updates in regards to Reason codes, exceptions, Time zone & rejection rules have been done as per the updates received from state of Ohio – Sandata.

Integration with Home health in the state of IN

CareSmartz360 is integrated for Home health services in the state of Indiana

EDI Updates

In the state of Ohio, for payer – OHIO AGING, new fields named as location number & location Identifier have been shown under billing information page

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