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November, 2021

New Features and Updates

Custom Forms, Additional Language Support, New Integrations and EVV Updates

Following are the changes in this release:

An update to the caregiver mobile app will be available on Wednesday, December 1, 2021, labeled as version 2.20 for both iOS & Android. Caregivers can continue using the current version of the app and update it when convenient. The minimum operating system requirements are “Lollipop” for Android and v10.0 for Apple devices.

Agency app – No New feature is coming on agency app with this release. However, bug fixes are moved to agency app via code push and are available now.

NOTE: Not all features are immediately available to all agency users. You should always go to Admin Settings and update the permissions for your agency users at the time of a new feature release if required for that feature.

Introducing Custom Forms in CareSmartz360!

The Custom Forms tool is a new feature in CareSmartz360. It allows you to create new forms and/or modify existing templates by choosing from a wide variety of fields, also allowing data validation and conditional display logic. Form templates can be created and used for Client Assessments and/or any other forms which an Agency uses for their clients. Please note that enabling and creating new forms to use across the agency requires Admin permissions to access Settings.

1. Custom Assessment Forms in Client Profile

a. Enable/Disable Custom Assessment Forms

i. Enable “Custom Assessment Forms” by navigating to Admin Settings > Client > Custom Forms – Custom Assessment Forms.

ii. Use the checkbox to enable or disable the feature to use custom assessment forms.

b. Create New or Modify an Existing Assessment Template

You can create new templates from scratch or use an existing one to create new templates depending upon your needs. Note: You can set up as many active assessment templates as you like.

c. Create a New Client Assessment

i. If “Custom Assessment Forms” are enabled, only then can you use the new template by navigating to Client Profile > Assessment > New “Observation.” A new dropdown will appear allowing you to select the appropriate “Assessment Form” template.

ii. All forms created in the Settings with the Type as “Assessment” and Status as “Active” will be available in the dropdown.

iii. Upon clicking “Save and Next,” the window will open to complete the assessment.

iv. Once a new assessment is saved, it will be added to the existing list. The process to fill and mark an assessment as complete remains the same as existing.

2. “Other Forms” in Client Profile

“Other Forms” is a new tab/section added to the Client profile. You can use this section to complete forms (other than assessments) for clients.

a. The “Other Forms” tab visibility in the Client profile, can be managed from the “Role Management” under Settings by a user with Admin permissions.

b. Clicking “+ New Form,” user(s) can select which form to fill, dependent on active forms available within Settings.

c. All forms created in the Settings with Type as “Client Form” and Status as “Active” will be available in the dropdown.

d. Upon selecting a form template from the dropdown, a pop-up will open to fill in the details.

e. Once a form is saved/completed it will become part of the listing grid. The process to fill and mark a client form as complete will be the same as assessments. You can then view and download the “Completed” forms and edit the ones “In Progress”.

Custom Forms Help Article

SSN Update

Previously, CareSmartz360 required a unique SSN for each user across your entire site. Now, the system will only limit a unique SSN to the same user type and office.

Example 1 – Caregiver A and Caregiver B from Office Z cannot have the same SSN.

Example 2 – Caregiver A from Office Z and Caregiver B from Office X can have the same SSN without any conflicts.

Example 3 – Caregiver A from Office Z and Agency user from Office Z can also have the same SSN without any conflicts.

Invoice Search option on the Payment Register screen

You will now have the ability to search by invoice number on the payment register screen. Upon clicking “Search,” the batch number can now be clicked. Once the batch number is clicked, the whole batch will open in a new tab for you to look for an invoice and retrieve desired results.

ability to search by invoice number on the payment register screen.

Mobile App Updates

Introducing 2 new languages for the Caregiver mobile app – Russian and French.

Caregivers will be able to switch their language to Russian or French within the Caregiver Mobile App from their profile, or at the time of login based on their preferred language.


Caregivers will be able to switch their language to French


Caregivers will be able to switch their language to Russian

Ability to view Task Notes on the Schedule Detail screen

Caregivers can view the Task Notes on the Schedule Detail screen for each task that is available.

able to  view the Task Notes on the Schedule Detail screen

EVV Updates

CareBridge Integration in Arkansas.

CareSmartz360 is now integrated with CareBridge in the state of Arkansas.

TELLUS Updates

Ability to add multiple NPI numbers on the EVV configuration page for those who need to add an NPI at the time of posting to TELLUS.

You will be able to add/edit or delete NPI numbers on the EVV configuration page.

able to add/edit or delete NPI numbers on the EVV configuration page
Ability to add multiple NPI numbers on the EVV configuration page

eMedNY Updates

You will now be able to configure multiple API Keys and their respective URL on the EVV configuration screen.

At the time of posting, you will be asked which account you wish to post with and, upon selection, the records will be posted with the selected account.

records will be posted with the selected account
able to configure multiple API Keys and their respective URL

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