fbpixel CareSmartz360 Release New Software Updates for May

Enhancements to Agency & Caregiver App, Weekly Care Report, Adhoc Scheduling, and EVV Updates

Following are the changes in this release:

There is an update to Agency mobile app & Caregiver mobile app with this release. The newest version is v2.3 on Agency app & v2.31 on Caregiver app and will be available on both app stores. The minimum operating system requirements are “Lollipop” for Android and v11.0 for Apple devices.

Updates in the Weekly Care Report

The Weekly Care Report has been updated to provide a more user-friendly layout, allowing for better readability and comprehension of data. These changes have been implemented based on feedback from various stakeholders and careful consideration of the evolving requirements.

1. Now users will be able to generate the report for a period of one month. More data is accessible with just one click. The output will still be in the Weekly format.

Weekly Care Summary Report Updates

2. Total Service Hours is now updated to “Total Billable Hours”. Not just the text but logic has also been updated where, before the shift approval, the report will show Actual hours and after the shift approval, the report will show Billable Hours.

A note is also added to help the users understand the above logic.

Updates in Weekly Care Report

Weekly Care Summary Report Update

3. In the Visit Log section, additional data points have been incorporated to capture a broader range of care-related metrics –

a. Added – Schedule Start Date.

b. Updated – Start Time to Clock-In.

c. Updated – End Time to Clock-Out.

d. Updated – Hours to Actual Hours.

e. Added – Place of Service – a new column.

f. Added – Service type – a new column.

g. Added – Date and Time stamp with Client’s Signature.

h. Added – Date and Time stamp with Caregiver’s Signature.

Weekly Care Report Update

4. The above-mentioned changes will be available when the report is generated from –

a. Scheduling > Weekly Care Summary

b. Schedule Window > Questionnaire tab > Weekly care Summary

c. Scheduling Reports > Weekly Care Summary Report

Ability to download Weekly Care report (schedule-wise) in Bulk

To achieve the bulk download operation in the Weekly Care summary, a new report has been created under Reports > Scheduling Reports. This report will mainly be used by the Agency users when schedule-wise data is required in Weekly Care format.
This report will have all the filters available in the existing Weekly Care Summary.

Schedule Wise Weekly Care Report Update

Notification to Caregivers when a Shift is Canceled

Currently, the Caregivers are not notified when a shift gets canceled. Now, the Caregivers will receive Email and Push Notifications whenever a shift is canceled.
Here are some conditions that need to be fulfilled to send notifications –

1. Only future shifts will be considered for notifications.

2. A shift needs to be in ‘Scheduled’ status before being moved to ‘Canceled by Client’ or ‘Canceled by Caregiver’.

3. A shift created under the canceled status will not be considered for notification.

Ability to define a custom time of a Holiday

The new feature allows users to customize the duration of a holiday. By default, the time is set to ‘Full Day’ (from 12 AM to 12 AM). Users can now select the ‘Custom’ option and specify the start time and duration (up to 24 hours) of the holiday. The system will automatically calculate the end time of the holiday. Users can also edit the holiday time after it has been created.

Furthermore, users can create multiple holidays within a single day. It is important to note that holidays cannot overlap with existing holidays. To enhance user visibility, the Holiday listing page now includes columns for Start Date/Time and End Date/Time.

The schedule will be split accordingly based on the duration and number of holidays. When this feature is launched, existing holidays will be set to ‘Full Day’.

Custom Holiday Update for Caregivers

New Custom Holiday Update for Caregivers

Custom Holiday Update for Agency Users

Custom Holiday Update for User

Managing the Alerts for Authorization Limit Exceeded

Now the agency users can manage the alert type for the Authorization Limit Exceeded conflict. The user can manage this by going to Office Settings Alerts:

Managing the Alerts for Authorization Limit Exceeded

By default, the alert type would be set to “Alert”. Behavior on Alert types (Alert, No Alert, and Prohibit) would be as defined below:

1. Alert: In the case of an alert, you can either ignore the conflict message or you can hit on the cancel button for not publishing the new/updated schedule(s).

2. Prohibit: In the case of Prohibit, you cannot proceed ahead with publishing the new/updated schedule(s).

3. No Alert: In the case of No Alert, no conflict message will be popped-up.

Note: This feature being released for the web version currently. We will be rolling out this feature for the agency app in near future.

Tax Rate can be configured up to 3 decimal places under Office Settings

The tax rate in the Office Settings has been updated to a precision of three decimal places. The tax will be updated accordingly within the screens for creating and finalizing invoice batches. The tax will be automatically adjusted in any files that include the tax information.

Tax Rate Update in the Office Settings

Ability to add a desired number of days before late fee is applied

In continuation to the late fee feature release previously, users will now be able to define the number of days from which the late fee will be applicable from.
Under office setting → billing tab, at the time late fee is enabled, user will be asked to enter the “number(s)” in days when this late fee should be applicable from. The late fee will be applicable from days when the invoice is due + date it should be applicable from.
Say for example, the Invoice is due in “0” days & the Late fee applicable from is “5” days & then the late fee will be applied on the invoice on the 6th day after the invoice was issued.

New Updates in Billing Tab

Adhoc Scheduling – Adhoc view – Delete & Bulk Delete

Users will have the ability to delete schedule individually and/or via bulk delete option under the Adhoc schedule view if required.

Adhoc Scheduling Update

Increased Facesheet Notes Limit for Client Assessment Form

Character Limit is increased from 1000 characters to 8000 characters for the Facesheet Notes textbox for the Legacy Client Assessment form. While creating a Legacy assessment you can now add up to 8000 characters in the Facesheet Notes.

Client Assessment Form Update

Caregiver Applicant Signature added as a mandatory field over the Caregiver Applicant Form

We are introducing the caregiver applicant signature field over the caregiver applicant form as a mandatory field. The Caregiver Applicant would be required to add a signature to the caregiver applicant form else the applicant would not be able to submit the form. Once submitted, this signature will also be available over the generated .pdf file. The signature option is available at the bottom of the form.

Caregiver Applicant form Update

Caregiver signature sample over the generated .pdf file

Updates in Caregiver Applicant form

With this release, Transnational has been renamed to “Celero” as per Company’s new updates under Office settings – Billing Tab

Caregiver Applicant form Updates

Ability to upload caregiver profile picture from the Caregiver App

When the Caregiver user’s profile picture icon will be blank and he will tap on the pen icon, he will be prompt to the following options:

  • Take Photo- On selecting this the device camera will open and the user will be able to click his picture and upload. The user will be able to crop the picture before uploading.
  • Choose Photo- On selecting this the user will be redirected to the device gallery.
    After selecting a picture, the user will be able to crop it before uploading.
  • When the profile picture is already uploaded then on tapping the pen icon the caregiver user will be prompt to the following options:
  • Delete Photo- On selecting this the uploaded profile picture gets deleted and profile picture icon is blank.
  • Take Photo- On selecting this the device camera will open and the user will be able to click his picture and upload.
    The user will be able to crop the picture before uploading.
  • Choose Photo- On selecting this the user will be redirected to the device gallery.

After selecting a picture, the user will be able to crop it before uploading.

Updates in Caregiver Mobile App

Client’s Primary Phone number will be added in the Client Profile on the Caregiver App

Caregiver’s users will now be able to view the client’s Primary phone number under My Clients> Client profile in the Caregiver app. Also, on clicking the Phone number the user will be able to make a call to the client.

Caregiver Profile Picture Update in the caregiver app

EVV Updates

Sandata Integration in the Tennessee

CareSmartz360 is now integrated with Sandata in the state of Tennessee.

Sandata Integration in the Connecticut

CareSmartz360 is now integrated with Sandata in the state of Connecticut.

HHAeXchange Updates

HHAeXchange data post — Adding Client/Caregiver status filters

1. Users will be able to filter out by client or caregiver status if required on the HHAeXchange data post screen as well.

CareSmartz360 EVV Integration Updates

Updating Payer and Procedure Codes in the state of Florida

1. Following Payer & Procedure codes have been updated in the state of Florida

CareSmartz360 EVV Integration Update

EVV Integration Update

EVV Integration Updates

EVV Integration Update in Florida

Updating the following Procedure Codes in the state of Arkansas

1. Following Payer & Procedure codes have been updated in the state of Arkansas

Procedure Codes Update in the state of Arkansas

Updates in the V5 CSV export file to HHAeXchange

Diagnosis Code (Updates):

Data being sent to HHAeXchange from CareSmartz360 must contain valid/billable codes. If invalid codes are received, Provider is responsible for corrections. Field is not required for all Payer(s).

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