fbpixel CareSmartz360 Rolls Out New Product Updates

CareSmartz360 Rolls Out Software Updates to Improve User Experience

Following are the changes in this release:

There is no update to the Agency mobile app & Caregiver mobile app with this release. The minimum operating system requirements are “Lollipop” for Android and v11.0 for Apple devices.

Ability to set Pay Rates as ‘Pay Scheduled’ and ‘Pay Minimum’.

Previously, agency user(s) were only able to set the Pay Rates based on ‘Pay Actual’ with rounding options. Now, agency user(s) will also be able to set the Pay Rates based on ‘Pay Scheduled’ and ‘Pay Minimum’. The functionality of Pay Scheduled and Pay Minimum, will work the same as in the Bill Rates section.

Home Care Agency Billing Software
Home Care Payroll Software Solutions
Payroll Software For Home Care

Re-assessment task is now created from the Observation Date of an Assessment.

Previously, the Re-assessment task was created from the modified/ completion date of an Assessment. Ideally, it should have been created from the observation date. We have updated this workflow for the legacy assessment system. For example, an assessment was observed on 5th Aug and completed on 10th Aug. The re-assessment task was set for 10 days after, then the task will be created for 15th Aug and not 20th Aug.

Ability to select individual schedules on create new invoice page.

Previously, on the create new invoice page, if the results display five client-payer combinations, the user(s) only have the option to select the client-payer combination as a whole. With this release, we have introduced the ability to pick specific schedules from the same client-payer combination. This will allow user(s) to have more control over the schedules for which they would like to create/finalize the invoice.

Home Care Billing Software Solution
Home Care Billing Software

EVV Updates

Sandata Updates

1. Integration with Home Health care in the state of Pennsylvania with Sandata

a. CareSmartz360 is now integrated with Home health services in the state of Pennsylvania.

2. Following Payer programs and procedure codes have been updated in the state of Ohio

Homecare Payer Management software

Homecare Payer Software Solutions
Homecare Payer Management
EVV Mandates in Ohio
Homecare Payer Management Solutions

3. Ability to sync “Billed Visits” from the Sandata data post screen

a. Users will have the ability to sync billed visits from Sandata data post screen if required in the case of any update being made.

b. Users will then be able to add the reason codes on the updated visits & repost to Sandata.

Sandata data post screen Update

HHA updates

1. Ability to add reason codes on HHA data post screen

a. Users will now have the ability to multi-select visits on the HHA data post screen & enter the reason code in one go before posting the data via API.

HHA Exchange Data Post

2. Integration with Home health care services in the state of Florida.

a. Caresmartz360 is now integrated with Home Health care services with HHA exchange in the state of Florida.

Authenticare Updates

1. Adding a Visit Status filter on the Authenticare data post screen

a. Users will have the ability to filter the visits on the basis of posted & not posted on the Authenticare data post screen.

2. Selection of EVV aggregator on Payer’s profile

a. Users will now have to select the EVV aggregator dropdown under the EVV integration section on the payer’s main tab.

b. Once Authenticare is selected as the EVV aggregator, the system will pick the records that are linked with client → payer combination along with Authorizations to be shown on the Data post screen.

c. A new payer filter will also be shown on the Authenticare Data post screen for the user to filter on a payer basis if required.

Electronic Visit Verification Software System

EVV Authenticare Updates Manual Data Post Updates

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