fbpixel Software Updates for Home Care Agency Users | Aug-19

Updates related to Agency Users and E-Claims

In this release are the following changes:

Updates for Agency Users

1. Agency Users will be able to send meeting reminder to the Caregivers and Staff Members

Agencies will now be able to send meeting reminders to Caregivers and Staff users, just like they have been able to send schedule reminders.

During set-up, the agency user can configure in office settings how many mins before the meeting start time the reminder should go out.


Agency can also opt for the meeting reminders to be sent via SMS (text messages) as well by going into the Admin > Configurations > Configure SMS services.


2. QuickBooks Desktop/Online to contain more data items when pushed from CareSmartz360 to QuickBooks.

When a caregiver is created in QuickBooks via “Add to QuickBooks” feature in CareSmartz360 > QuickBooks Integration, the system will include the following parameters from Caregiver profile:

a. Gender

b. Date of Birth

c. Hire Date

d. Time Tracking ID will be pushed as Employee ID

e. SSN (Social Security Number).

This feature will be available for the both QuickBooks Online and the Desktop integrations.

3. On the Time Tracking screen, Call Review section will now be called “Schedule Review” and Call Details section will now be labeled as “Telephony Details”.


4. Expand/Collapse Menu will keep user settings even after log out.

From now on, if a user wants to work in CareSmartz360 while keeping left menu collapsed or expanded, system will remember the user settings. That means if a user wants to work while keeping the left menu collapsed and log out, then upon re-login, user will see the left menu collapsed till the time user expand the menu.


5. More flexibility features provided in Caregiver Applicant form settings.

Earlier, under the “Personal Information” block of Caregiver Applicant Form setting, agencies had control over which fields were optional and mandatory, but now the system has the capabilities to disable the fields as well.

e.g. If an agency doesn’t want to capture/show the applicant “Gender” field , they can go into the admin section and disable this field, and the applicant form will not have this field for the caregiver applicant form.


6. Emergency Preparedness for Client.

Agencies can now capture the Client’s Emergency Preparedness rating data in the Client’s assessment.


The drop down values can be configured from the Admin Section > Clients > DDM Clients > “Emergency Preparedness Rating “.


There is also a new report added under Client Reports category: “Emergency Preparedness Rating” which will show the current Emergency Preparedness Rating for the client profile.

Please Note: This rating data will only be considered as finalized when the assessment gets completed.

If a client has multiple completed assessments, then the last completed assessment rating data will be considered as the current emergency preparedness rating for the specific client.

7. ADP Export File Updates

The following changes have been made to the ADP Export file for the finalized Payroll batch:

a. Batch ID Column “B” will only contain the batch number(numerical data) for the batch.


b. OT Hours column “E” is now labeled as O/T Hours.


c. OT Rate

Temp Rate Column “G” will contain the regular rate of the schedule in case overtime is applicable. ADP will automatically use the multiplier on the rate as per the configurations done.

d. Additional Mileage

If there is mileage calculated by the CareSmartz360 system (Office Settings > Payroll), then ADP Export will also include the Mileage Code “MIL” under column “J” and the total mileage considered will be under column “K” and the Mileage rate will be under column G labeled as Temp Rate.

8. Improvements in Expense Rates Configuration

Under Office Settings > Rates, Agencies can now configure different bill and pay rate for expense items.

Earlier, there was a single field called “Rate” which was used as default Bill and Pay Rate both but now, if agencies want to configure different Bill and Pay Rates for the expense, it can be done via this configuration.


Also, at the time of adding a new expense type in the admin section, the agency user can configure the default Bill and Pay Flag for the expense whether the expense is, by default, Billable or not OR Payable or not which will help agencies configure their expenses more accurately and there will be less manual work involved at the time of creating invoice and payroll.

This setting can be accessed via Admin > Scheduling > DDM Scheduling > Expense Code.


9. Updates in the EVV Report “Clock-In/Clock-Out Location and Mode”

The “Clock-In/Clock-Out Location and Mode” report under EVV category is now updated with the Service Type column which will show the type of service client received.

Also, if the caregivers are doing Clock-In and Clock-Out from a Smartphone or from the Caregiver Web Portal, Clock-In/Clock-Out Latitude/Longitude will act as shortcut to the Google Maps where Agency can review the Caregiver’s Location at the time of Clock-In and Clock-Out.


10. Office Settings > Round Settings option now contain the Actual data pointer as well which will capture and show the actual clock-in and clock-out time of the caregiver.


11. Open Shift Widget Improvement on Dashboard.

On the Dashboard > Open Shifts widget > Action Column icon will now open up the schedule directly so that agency user can directly assign the shift to caregiver from Dashboard window.


12. Yearly Authorization is now part of Client Authorization.

Clients can now be configured with Yearly Authorization under Client Profile > Rates section.


13. DMAS90 Weekly Report for the Virginia Agencies

CareSmartz360 system will offer both schedule level DMAS90 export file as well as the Weekly report.

This report will be grouped by Client and Caregiver and the Type of service performed for a given week (Personal or Respite Care).

That means if a Caregiver worked with a Client for both Personal and Respite Care services, then there will be two DMAS90 Weekly reports available, one for the Personal Care and another for Respite Care.

This report can be located from Left Menu > Scheduling > Under Time Tracking Category.


14. “Receive Payment” option can be accessed from View Finalized Invoice Batches screen.

Agencies can now access the Receive Payment option right after creating/finalizing the invoice batch.


Clicking on the Receive Payment Icon will open up a pop-up where agency can directly receive the payment on the newly created invoice.


15. New Report: Schedule Billing and Payroll Status

A report has been introduced in Reports>Scheduling which will help the agency to identify the Billing and Payroll status of the approved schedule(s) at any given point of time.


16. Improvements on Find Caregiver screen calendar.

From Dashboard > Open Shifts > If the user click on the schedule times to find the suitable caregiver, system will open up the month view of the client’s calendar as per the schedule’s month of occurrence. Earlier the calendar was showing the current month by default.

We have also increased the number of caregiver calendars that can be compared in the Find Caregiver screen from 10 to 15.

17. Caregiver Badge Report (V2).

We have introduced a new report called Caregiver Badge report under Reports>Caregiver which will generate the caregiver’s badge for the agency he/she is working with.

On one side will be the Caregiver’s profile picture (If uploaded) with the Agency Name and the Address and Phone Number. The other side of report will contain the primary telephony instructions for the caregiver.

18. Territories filter on Client and Caregiver screens if agency is configured with single or multiple territories.

If an agency is configured with single or multiple territories, then on the Client and Caregiver screens, a territory filter will be available for the agency so that the clients and caregivers can be filtered accordingly as per the selected filter.


19. New Statistics on Schedule Calendar to show total hours aligned for a caregiver.

Agencies can now review the total hours for the caregivers in given week from Schedule Calendar as well. This statistic is labeled as Completed and will show the sum of hours for the schedules having scheduled, approved, time tracking confirmed and needs review.


Updates regarding E-Claims related data points

1. Procedure Codes and Revenue Codes for the Service Types are now located under Payer Profile.


As different payers can ask for different procedure or revenue codes for the same service, the codes configuration is now moved to the payer profile > billing section. Earlier this setting was present in Admin > Scheduling > Service Type.


2. Client Profile > Member ID field is now moved to Client Rates.

If one client has two insurance with different payers then the member id of the client can vary. Hence, Member ID field is now moved from Client Profile > Main section and shifted to Client Profile > Rates section and will be present while associating the client with the payer.


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