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We are exhibiting at Bring Care Home Conference - Join Us

June, 2020

New Features and Updates

The June Update brings an All-New Mobile App packed with Great Performance

Following are the changes in this release:

This week’s release brings an to the way yearly authorizations are calculated and displayed. Currently, we pro-rate the hours of an annual authorization based on the calendar year, meaning a 400 hour authorization from July 1st to June 30th shows as 200 hours for this year and 200 for next year. We have since received feedback from many of our customers that pro-ration should not happen on yearly authorization. Rather the hours from the authorization should be fully available in either year.

Example 1:Client A has an annual auth for 100 hours per year and the auth is date 6/9/20 to 6/30/21. The first auth strip on Client A’s calendar will be 6/9/2020 to 6/8/21 for 100 Hours. The second auth strip on Client A’s calendar will be 6/9/21 to 6/30/21 for 100 hours.

Example 2: Client B has an annual auth for 100 hours per year from 6/9/20 to 11/30/20. There will only be one auth strip on Client B’s calendar for 6/9/20 to 11/30/20 for 100 hours.

Performance Updates

As yet another installment of performance updates, we have improved the Create New Invoice and Create New Payroll pages. You should notice an improvement in the loading and management of these pages. However, performance improvement is an ongoing initiative, so please look out for more updates in the weeks/months to come.

Caregiver Mobile App

We are now beginning the retirement of our old Caregiver Mobile App in favor of our new app CareSmartz360+. Here are the steps: 1. June 10th: Remove the old app from the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. 2. Every Monday: Caregivers using the old app will receive a push notification directing them to download and begin using the new mobile app. 3. July 31st: We will stop supporting the old app and Caregivers will not be able to log in.
For any questions, please email support@caresmartz360.com. Thank you for your continued support!

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