Personal protective equipment for non-COVID-19 clients/patients
Personal protective equipment if people with possible or confirmed COVID-19 are in the home (including clients/patients) – this includes those under quarantine
Response to suspected COVID-19 person in a patient/client home
Steps to take if a client or patient has tested positive for COVID-19
Steps to take if a direct care worker finds, after entering the residence, that there is someone (other than the client or patient) who has a COVID-19-like illness
Steps to take if a direct care worker is diagnosed with COVID-19
Ways to preserve PPE supplies, and have contingency plans if supplies are short
Contingency plan considerations for continuing client or patient care should a large proportion of staff become sick or need to be absent for COVID-19 related reasons
Osha Recording/Reporting Obligations
Preparing to Respond to Osha Complaint
Ways to cope with the emotional reactions to stressful situations, such as COVID-19
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