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November, 2022

New Features and Updates

Scheduling Calendar Enhancements, Agency App & Caregiver App Updates, New EVV Integrations

Following are the changes in this release:

Ability to view Rolling Five Week calendar in Publish Master Schedule

The Agency user(s) will now have an additional option of a Five Week calendar view on the Publish Master Schedule (Beta) screen (only on Calendar view). It will allow the user to select a date. The week of the selected date becomes the first week on the calendar. A total of 5 weeks will be displayed on the calendar. This view becomes very handy while planning new schedules in reference to the previous ones.

Publish Master Schedule Update

Ability to Auto–Publish Master schedules (to be released on Dec 7, 2022)

Agency user(s) can now set Auto-Publish for all/selective Master Schedule schedules.

1. functionality can be enabled/disabled on a plan basis by navigating to –

a. Client Profile > Master Schedule.

i. Add/edit window has the option to enable/disable Auto Publish for that plan.

Auto Publish Master Schedule Update

ii. Once enabled the Agency user(s) need to select ‘Publish Before’ and ‘Publish On’ for Auto-Publish.

iii. ‘Publish Before’ allows one to define the number of weeks before an agency would like to publish and ‘Publish On’ allows one to define the Day on which an agency would like to publish.

Auto Publish Master Scheduling Update

b. Office settings > Main.

i. From here, Agency user(s) can enable/disable Auto-Publish on all Master Schedules for all Clients.

Master Schedule Update for all Clients

ii. If Agency enables Auto-publish on all Schedules for all Clients then it is mandatory to select ‘Publish Before’ and ‘Publish On’. This option will enable the same setting on all the Schedules.

Auto-Publish on Master Schedules for all Clients

iii. If this feature is enabled for all the office settings will show a check [a] sign. If partially enabled on some Schedules, then a hyphen [-]. And empty box [ ] if disabled on all Schedules.

iv. While Auto-Publishing a batch of schedules there could be some alerts (conflicts) that obstruct the schedule from being Auto-Published. They will be handled as follows –

1. Alerts – In this case, all the schedules will be published while ignoring the alerts. An email notification will be sent to the user(s) defined under the Notification section of the Office Settings, with a list of all the schedules having alerts.

2. Prohibit – In this case, schedules with no conflicts will be published. The ones with the prohibited case will be put on hold. An email and SMS notification will be sent to the user(s) defined under the Notification section of the Office Settings, with a list of all the schedules having prohibited conflicts. In this case, we expect the Agency users to manually intervene and make the necessary changes. If corrections are done on the same day, when the email was received, the pending schedules will be auto-published, otherwise, the Agency needs to manually publish the pending schedules.

v. Note: The system will trigger a single email per day in case of conflicts. SMS notification will be triggered only in the case of partial publishing of batch due to prohibited warnings. System alerts will be generated in case of successful batch posting, successful batch posting with conflicts, and partial batch posting due to prohibit warnings.

c. Agency can manage who will receive the notification alerts related to auto-publish from Office Settings > Notifications Tab > Auto Publish Alerts.

Auto-Publish Scheduling Alerts Update

Ability to filter Payroll data Territory wise

While generating the Payroll, now Agency user(s) will have a Territory filter. It will allow filtering of the Caregivers and Client schedules in the selected territory. The filter will have a multi-select option.

As Staff members and Meetings are not associated with territory, they will always be displayed.

Payroll Data Update in Caregivers & Client Scheduling

Ability to apply late fees on invoices that have not been paid in time

Users will have the ability to apply late fees on the invoices in case they have not been paid by the due date.

Users can configure the late fee percentage under the office settings → billing tab where in if they wish to apply a late fee, they can enable the settings. Once the setting is enabled, based on the %age applied, the after the due date the invoice balance will have the late fee included till the time Invoice is not paid in full.

Late fee option is enabled under office settings, it will be applicable for all clients. However, in case when the agency user wants to enable or disable it for any specific client, System will allow the user via an option under clients → Main tab, “Charge Late fee” Checkbox. A hierarchy will be maintained in the system at client and office setting level. Preference will be given at client level, if the settings does not exist at client level, system will check at office level before moving forward.

In case of Distribution methods, Late fee will be added to the same invoice & it will not be deducted from the any amount that is pending in the authorization limit.

On the payment register screen, the balance fields have been bi-furcated with Balance + Late fee = Total

Billing & Invoice Update For Clients
Billing Update For Clients
Invoicing Update For Clients
Payment Register Update For Clients
Payment Register By Payer Update

Ability to identify ‘Overpaid’ invoices

Now, the Agency user(s) will easily be able to identify the overpaid invoices by the ‘Overpaid’ stamp on the invoice PDF. It’s like the ‘Paid’ stamp that the invoice used to have on a paid invoice.

Overpaid Invoices Update For Agency User

Updates in Caregiver Applicant form

Earlier, in the Caregiver Applicant form, the mandatory fields did not have an asterisk symbol (*), and the fields were also not highlighted or given a validation if the caregiver failed to fill the mandatory fields. Improvements have been made in the user experience keeping the Caregiver in mind.

1. Now, all the fields which are marked mandatory in the admin settings will have an asterisk symbol (*) and a validation.

2. If the caregiver does not fill in all the mandatory fields, he won’t be able to submit the form, and those fields which are not filled will be highlighted in red and there will be a validation populated at the top.

Education Background – In Admin settings, under the Caregiver application form setting for example, if the agency sets the mandatory count as ‘3’ then in the Caregiver application form there will be (3×3=9 boxes) for the fields i.e. “School name”, “Qualification”, and “Browse document”. All these 9 boxes will have an Asterisk above them. Secondly, if the caregiver still doesn’t fill those boxes\ fields, then all or some of the fields which are not filled will be highlighted in red along with validation at the top stating “All mandatory fields must be filled”.

Updates In Caregiver Applicant Form

Certificate – In Admin settings, under the Caregiver application form setting if the agency marks Certificate as mandatory then in the Caregiver Applicant form in the Certification option there will be a pre-validation text (which is before filling out the form) stating “Minimum one certificate is mandatory to be filled”. If the caregiver selects a certificate, then the field of “Browse Document” under that certificate will have an asterisk above it so that the caregiver does not fail to upload the certificate. Now, if the caregiver still doesn’t upload the document, all the fields which are not filled will be highlighted in red and there will be another validation stating “All mandatory fields must be filled”

Employment History– In the Employment history for say if the agency sets the mandatory count as “2” then the caregiver won’t be allowed to submit the form unless he fills his complete 2 employment histories. There will be an Asterisk sign above all the fields (Employer Name, Phone Number, Address, Country, State, City, ZIP Code, served from, served to, Position held, Attach document). Only after filling out the first employment history, the caregiver will be allowed to fill out the second employment history. Now if the caregiver fails to fill any of the fields/boxes under their employment history then that box must be highlighted in red and there will be a validation stating, “All mandatory fields must be filled.”

Skills/ Preferences – In Admin settings, under the Caregiver application form setting if the agency marks “Caregiver Attribute” as a mandatory field then in the Caregiver Applicant form, under Skills/ Preferences there will be a pre-validation text (which is before filling out the form) stating “Minimum one Skill/Preference is mandatory to be filled”). Now if the caregiver fails to fill at least one of the categories, then the entire box of “Skills/ Preferences” will be highlighted.

Update In Caregiver Applicant Form

References – If the agency sets the mandatory count as “5” in the admin settings then in the caregiver application form both the fields I.e., “Name” & “Phone Number” will have an Asterisk sign above them. If the caregivers still fail to fill all or some of the fields/ boxes (I.e., 5×2= 10 boxes) then those fields must be highlighted in red and there must be validation stating, “All the highlighted fields are mandatory to be filled.”

Caregiver Applicant Form Updates

A new filter is added in the report ‘Client Invoice with Rates by Payer’

In the Accounting report ‘Client Invoice with Rates by Payer’, now the Agency user(s) will be able to filter the Payers on the basis of ‘Payer Type’. This helps the Agency user(s) with additional control of the report.

Accounting Report Updates For Agency User

Mobile Apps Updates

On the Agency app, at the time of schedule edit, Bill & Pay rates will be shown when any schedule is being updated.

Agency App Update

On the Caregiver app, Text Improvement has been done on current distance being shown on the schedule. From now, current distance will be labelled as “Approx. Distance” & an Icon is shown where it will be clickable for the user and take the user outside the app on default maps of the device.

Caregiver App Update

EVV Updates

HHA Updates

Introducing Admission ID field in case any client has multiple HHA profiles in the following states

1. Minnesota

2. Alabama

3. New Jersey

4. West Virginia

User will be able to use “Alternative Medicaid” ID field where Admission ID can be entered for client’s multiple profile identification under the HHA profile.

Alternative Medicaid ID Update in HHA portal

HHAeXchange integration in the state of West Virginia

CareSmartz360 is now integrated with HHA in the state of West Virginia via API.

Sandata Updates

Home health integration with Sandata in the state of Rhode Island

CareSmartz360 is now integrated with Home health services in the state of Rhode Island.

Updates related to payer program, service codes & modifiers in the state of California

Generic updates related to payer programs, service codes & modifiers have been taken care in the state of CA.

HHA integration in the state of West Virginia
CareSmartz360 Electronic Visit Verification Solution

Workflow updates where in Payer Sync is added on the Not posted screen

On the Sandata data post screen, under Not posted filter user will now be able to sync payer before posting in case required as reminder at the time of posting. User will be given an option to either “OK” in order to perform sync & then posting will be done or “Ignore & continue” in case they feel that sync is not required.

However, Sync payer option is given on Not posted screen itself as well if the user wants to perform the same on their own.

Home health integration with Sandata in Rhode Island
EVV Reporting Updates

TELLUS Updates

Missed Visits reason codes updates in case of payer – United Florida in specific

For payer “United Florida”, missed visit reason codes are updated in the system.

Workflow Updates In TELLUS Data Post Screen
Missed Visit Reason Code Updates For Payer

Workflow updates in terms to identify the Unsuccessful post on the TELLUS data post screen itself

On the TELLUS data post screen, Is Posted & Visit Status column are now combined into one column in the name of “Status” Column. This column will reflect the status if the record has been accepted or rejected by the aggregator.

Current functionality of Show detail popup should be shown on the accepted or rejected icon under status column.

1. Red cross Icon when the visits has come back with error after posting

2. Green tick in case visit is accepted & successful.

3. Waiting icon in case response is pending from Tellus.

4. Not Posted when the visit has not been posted even once.

Also, Data posted filter should be replaced with Status filter where the following status will be shown

1. All

2. Successful

3. Error

4. Waiting

5. Not posted

Workflow Updates In TELLUS Data Post Screen
TELLUS Data Post Update In EVV Reports

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