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June, 2019

New Features and Updates

Updated Calendar, Payment Sync

In this release are the following changes:


1. Revamped Schedule Calendar

After collecting feedback from our agencies we have revamped the schedule calendar so an agency user can view the whole office schedule within a given week/day in a more simplified and efficient manner.

Revamped Schedule Calendar

We have introduced a quick view to the schedules on the schedule calendar. This quick view will be initiated when a user clicks on a schedule.


On the quick view, the first tab we have implemented is a summary tab where agency users can view the basic details of the schedule e.g. Date/Time, Caregiver Name and Caregiver Rating.

On the Notes tab, the agency can view the schedule note.


On the copy tab, agency users can copy the selected schedule into multiple days by selecting the date range and the days of the week.


On the message tab, agency users can send an SMS to a client or a caregiver or both, right from the schedule quick view. No need to navigate back to the client or the caregiver section to send the SMS if the user is currently on the schedule calendar.


And, finally, the delete option, where agency users can click on the delete tab, provide the reason of schedule deletion and schedule will be deleted. No need to open the schedule in the detailed view to delete it.


Agency User can also see the Questionnaire from Schedule Window > Questionnaire tab. Clicking on “Download DMAS-90” will download the form.

2. Caregiver Shift Confirmation

In CareSmartz360, agencies can now ask their caregivers to confirm their shift availability after the schedule is assigned to them.

Under Office Settings > Main > there is field labeled as “Schedule Confirmation required from Caregiver” where the agency can enable or disable this setting.


If this setting is enabled, the schedule window will have a checkbox which will be shown “checked”, which means that caregivers will be able to confirm the shift from their Web Portal/Smartphone App.


After the schedule is created with this setting ON, caregivers can confirm on the scheduled shift.

Web portal view:

web portal view

Smartphone App View:


Once confirmed, caregivers cannot revert their action on the shift. The agency will be notified on the Time Tracking Screen or the Schedule Window or on the Schedule Calendar section that the shift has been confirmed.

On the Time Tracking screen, there will be green icon on the schedule line item which indicates that the schedule has been confirmed by the caregiver. Clicking on the icon will show that at what time the caregiver confirmed the scheduled shift.


3. Auto Clock-In/Clock-Out

Agencies can now choose specific shift(s) e.g. Live-In Shifts where clock-in and clock-out are not required to have the system auto clock in and out the schedule at the scheduled time. This will prevent agencies from receiving missed clock-in and clock-out notifications for those schedules.

While creating the schedule, there is a checkbox labeled as “Allow Automatic Clock-In/Clock-Out” which agency can select to automate the clock in and out for the specific schedule.


After creating the schedule and at the specific schedule start and end time, system will automatically clock in and out the schedule so that caregivers who are working 24×7 with the clients and agencies do not get missed clock in/out alerts.


4. Overnight availability/unavailability

Caregivers will now be able to add overnight availability/unavailability



5. New Report: Active Clients with No Future Schedules

Agency users can use this report to find out whether there is any client present in the system who does not have any future schedule/shift on their calendar. This report will provide the client name, office, last schedule they were served with the Caregiver Name and the schedule status. This report will help agencies plan the client(s) calendar more efficiently.


6. New Report: Injury

Agency users can use this report to see injuries reported by the caregiver(s) during a shift. Earlier this data was present in schedule window > care history logs only which provided injury details provided during a specific shift only(if any). The global perspective will help determine if there are any issues that are client or caregiver specific as well as helping to resolve worker’s compensation questions.


7. New Report: Expense Details w.r.t. Caregiver

The new Accounting report, ‘Expense Details By Caregiver’, will show all the expense details submitted, grouped by caregiver. Earlier we had a similar report which was group w.r.t Clients but as per the agencies feedback to the CareSmartz360 Team, we have implemented a new report which shows the same data grouped by caregivers.


8. Report Update: Payment Summary report

We have updated the payment summary report with the username of the agency user who logged the payment into the invoice.



9. Payments Sync with QuickBooks Online

Agencies using QuickBooks Online to can sync the payment logs back into CareSmartz360 system.

When an invoice is created in CareSmartz360 and sent to QuickBooks Online, and then the agency receives a payment on the Invoice in QuickBooks Online, that payment log will be pulled into CareSmartz360 as well.

This payment log process can be initiated from Posted Billing Page in CareSmartz360 where agency users can select single/multiple invoices in an invoice batch to fetch/import the payment logs from QuickBooks Online.


Please Note: Only invoices sent from CareSmartz360 into QuickBooks Online payment logs can have payment logs fetched back to CareSmartz360.

Agency user

10. SMS Notification on Top Ribbon Bar

Earlier in CareSmartz360, when an incoming SMS is received an Agency, the user had to go to the Dashboard section to view the SMS Widget or navigate to the Global SMS Log section to view the logs. In this new release, agency users can view the new SMS notification from any screen by clicking on the “Bell” icon on the top ribbon bar. Users can then click on X icon or Dismiss All to dismiss the SMS Notification.


11. Calendar Start Day updates

Earlier, all the calendars in the system, i.e. Client Calendar, Caregiver Calendar, Schedule calendar etc. were linked to the Payroll Start Day field in the office settings. Based on feedback we received feedback from agencies that the payroll start day can be different from the start day of the calendar, we have made this change.

Now, in the office settings > main section, there is a new field introduced called, “Schedule Calendar Start Weekday”. System will now read this data to set the calendar start day on the calendars present in the system.


12. Schedule request submitted from the Client Portal is now logged under the Agency User’s profile who received the request notification

Agency users will now be able to select someone in the office to receive notifications when a client/emergency contact submits a schedule request from the Client Portal (office settings > notifications). The request will be logged into the select agency user’s task communication section > Email Logs as well.

13. DMAS90 Updates

Agencies operating in Virginia and using DMAS90 can now provide of list comments to choose from, to their caregivers while they are filling out the DMAS90 questionnaire.

The list will be maintained in Admin Settings > Scheduling > DDM Scheduling > DMAS90 Answer Template where a pre-populated list of 13 comments/answers will be provided to the agencies by default. Agencies can opt to add more or edit/delete the default list of comments provided.


When the caregiver logs into the web portal/smartphone app > and goes to the questionnaire tab to submit the details related to DMAS90, instead of writing all the comments, caregiver can choose the comments from the list provided by the agency.


14. Notification on Recurrence Update

The system will be enabled to send SMS/Email notification to the agency user(s), when there is schedule date/time change detected in the client recurrence pattern.

Agency can choose to opt the user(s) to get the notification from office settings > notification section.


E.g. If there is recurrence pattern for client John Smith, daily at 8 AM – 10 AM and then someone from the agency changes the time to 9 AM – 11 AM, the system will notify the user updating the schedule that this schedule is part of the recurrence pattern. If the user selects “Update All recurrence”, then the system will notify the selected agency user(s) in the office settings that there is a change the client recurrence pattern.

Name changes

15. Round>Round Nearest

Office Settings > Main > Round Settings > Round option is now relabeled to Round Nearest.


16. Call Type>Service Type

Throughout the CareSmartz360 system, Call Type is now relabeled to Service Type.


17. Certifications>Skill Type

Under Client Assessment > Skills/Requirements, Certifications drop down is now relabeled to Skill Type which specific that caregiver of which Skill Type is required for this client.


The same label has been syn’d with Caregiver Profile > Main section > Skill field as well. Earlier the drop down was labeled as Skill Code(s) and its now labeled as Skill Type.


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