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December, 2018

New Features and Updates

Pay for Travel Time, Payer Sync, Diagnosis Codes, Replies to Incoming SMS

In this release are the following changes:

Caregiver Related Changes

1. Pay Caregivers for Travel Time

Step 1: Go in office settings> Payroll section

Step 2: Scroll down the page until you reach Travel Time section.

Step 3: Click on YES, if you want to pay Travel time/Mileage to the Caregiver.

Pay Caregivers

Step 4: Select the method of payment. Select Time, if you want to pay based on Time. Select Mileage, if an you want to pay based on Miles. Select both, if you want to pay based on both Time and Mileage.


Step 5: Case a) If Time is selected, enter maximum minutes between consecutive shifts, say 60. Enter default hourly rate.

Note: – 1. If Time is selected, enter maximum minutes between consecutive shifts, say 60. Enter default hourly rate.

2. If the max time is 60 minutes for the allotted travel time, the agency will pay actual time. For example, it is allotted for 60 minutes and the if difference between caregiver’s clock out from previous shift and clock in time from next shift is 45 mins, then caregiver will get 45 mins of travel time.

3. If Clock Out/Clock in is not successful, i.e. the time is more than 60 minutes as set above. then travel time will not be applicable while calculating payroll i.e. no payment (If No reasonable settings done).

4. If the period between consecutive shifts is less than this value but greater than the value in the Max. minutes between consecutive shifts, the caregiver will be paid for the reasonable drive time and/or mileage between shifts. If the period between shifts is greater than this value, no travel will be paid.e.g. If the difference between Caregiver clock out of previous shift and clock in of current shift then is more than 60 mins but less than or equal to 120 mins (as shown above) then caregiver will be paid as per time calculated/suggested by Google Driving Directions.

Step 6: Select ‘Pay for reasonable time Travelling’ and Enter ‘max. number of minutes between consecutive shifts’.

Time Travelling

Note: – If the period between consecutive shifts is less than this value but greater than the value in the Max. minutes between consecutive shifts, the caregiver will be paid for the reasonable drive time and/or mileage between shifts. If the period between shifts is greater than this value, no travel will be paid.

e.g. If the difference between Caregiver clock out of previous shift and clock in of current shift then is more than 60 mins but less than or equal to 120 mins (as shown above) then caregiver will be paid as per time calculated/suggested by Google Driving Directions.

Step 7: Consecutive shift on the same day Settings- If an Agency does not want to pay first shift after an Overnight shift then this option needs to be selected from the drop down.

On selecting, ‘Any Consecutive shifts then a Caregiver will be paid for the first shift after an Overnight Shift.
Any shift after overnight shift will be countable for travel reimbursement.

For example: – Caregiver has two shifts i.e on 6th Dec. at 5pm-2am and on 7th Dec. at 4am-5am. The first shift of 7th Dec. at 4am-5am will be paid based on check out of (6th Dec. 5am-2am) and check in of (7th Dec. at 4am-5am).

pay for work

Note: – 1. if a caregiver is having only one shift, no travel time will be paid.

2. If one shift is in the morning and another one in the evening with the same client, no travel time will be paid.

Case b): Select Mileage, if the agency wants to pay on the basis of miles only.

Case c): Select Both if Agency wants to pay on the basis of both Time and Mileage.

2. Caregiver Availability by Agency User and Caregiver

Caregiver and Agency users can enter availability as well as Unavailability. If a Caregiver is available on any day, then the caregiver can add the availability from ‘Unavailability’ tab.

Agency Users can also add Availability of a Caregiver from the Agency User portal. The User will go to the Caregiver Section and will click on an Edit Caregiver whose Availability User wants to Add. The User will then click on UNAVAILABILITY tab.

Note: – As of now, caregiver can add Availability from Web portal only. An option to add Availability from Smartphone App will also be given very soon. Agencies will be notified for the same.
caregivers- availability

3. Entering reason at the time of adding Unavailability

Agency users and Caregivers will be asked to enter a reason at the time of adding unavailability.
The screen shot below shows where an Agency user will add the reason.


Caregivers can also provide a reason at the time of adding Unavailability from the caregiver portal.


Note: – Reason of Unavailability can be added via web portal of Caregiver and Admin. Very soon, Reason can be added by Smartphone Application as well. Same will be notified to the Agencies.

Drop drown of Unavailability Reason will be managed from Admin Settings > Scheduling > DDM > Unavailability Reason.

4. Documents sorted by default with Created on Date

Caregiver Portal > Key Documents > Documents should be sorted by their created-on date, by default. In Caregiver portal, the Key Documents section will show “Created on” Date instead of “Shared on“ Date. The document will be displayed in descending order by default i.e latest document at the top and will be displayed according to the created date.


5. Shift Decline Reason

A reason for denial for any available shift will be required when a caregiver declines an available shift from the caregiver portal or application.

Caregivers declining a shift from Widget on Dashboard will click on the Cross icon; a pop will appear. The caregiver will be required to select the Reason from drop down. Providing Notes will not be required. The caregiver will click on SAVE, and the reason selected from the drop-down, along with any Notes will be shown in ‘Open Shift Management’ in ‘Agency to Caregiver’ Tab.


Also, Caregivers can do the same from ‘Available Shifts’ as well. And the reason will be reflected in Open Shift Manager.

Note: – Drop drown of Refusal will be managed from Admin Settings > Scheduling > DDM > Refusal Reason.

As of now, caregivers can decline the shift from Web portal only. In a future release, caregivers will also be able to decline the shift from Smartphone Application. Agencies will be informed when the additional feature is added to the application.

6. Prospective Caregiver Status Change

A prospective caregiver who was rejected earlier can be updated in the system again. For that, the rejected button will not be disabled. A user can click on the Rejected tick box again, and the applicant will fall in the last category he/she was in prior to being rejected. If there is no last updated category, then applicant will fall in ‘New’.


7. Caregiver Clock in/Clock out without any threshold time

Caregiver will be able to clock in and clock out without any threshold time via Smartphone and web portal. The Agency user will create this in the Office Settings, “Caregiver to Clock in/ Clock out without any threshold via Smartphone and Web portal”, using a drop down with Applicable/Not Applicable.

By default, this setting will be set as ‘Not Applicable”.

Client Profile Related Changes

8. Sync Payer

Agency users will be able to Sync a new payer to all existing schedules. Client> Rate> A button of Sync Payer is given. Clicking on the button will ask user ‘ Do you want to Sync Payer to all existing schedules? Clicking on ‘Yes’ will sync the payer to All schedules which are neither fully billed nor partially billed.


9. ICD 10 Codes on Assessment

Assessments will now include ICD-10 codes as a default option. The user can search via either ICD-10 code or the name of the disease in the search box to select.


10. Additions to Independent/ Dependent/ Requires Assistance

Users can add any other Task level of care via dropdown in Admin. The user will go in Client > DDM Client > Level of care initials to manage the drop down items. Clicking on this will allow the user to see all four options: Independent, Dependant, Require Assistance and Not Applicable. Clicking on +Add will give an option to the user to ADD NEW TASK, with the buttons of Cancel and SAVE. An option to delete old task status will be given under ‘Action’ head.


11. Setting Emergency Contact as Primary

Users can set an Emergency Contact as “Primary” in case of multiple Emergency Contacts available. Setting Emergency Contact as Primary will help the user to know whom to contact first in case of an emergency

12. “Assessment Type” dropdown relabelled to “Admission Type “

In Prospective Client form, earlier there were two dropdowns with the heading of Assessment type. One of the dropdowns asking Admission Type as ALP and IHC has been renamed as Admission Type.


Agency User Interface Changes

13. Getting started Pop Up

Each time a user logs in, the Getting Started popup will appear if the agency has not completed any part of the settings which are part of getting started program. The Popup will disappear once user closes it. Once closed, this pop-up will not auto appear till the time user re-logins.


14. Reply icon on Incoming SMS

Agency Users will be able to reply to any SMS received.


Clicking on either on the hyperlinked number or on the reply icon will open a pop up with the option to write a message and send it.


15. Bulk Delete User Interface Improvement

The Delete Bulk Scedule page has been improved for a better User experience. Also, agencies will be able to see the day as well as the date in ‘Start Date” Column.


16. Displaying Overnight Holiday Schedules in Time Tracking

Previously, Overnight Schedules split for a Holiday day were not displayed completely on Time Tracking until the page was refreshed.Moving forward, Users will be able to see Split Over night Schedules on Holiday day when the status of the schedule is “Approved” on Time Tracking Screen.


17. Show Driving Directions/public transit options in the pop up

From now onward, in Find Caregiver Screen, distance column will be a hyperlink to “Show Directions” link or icon which will show driving directions and public transit options in the pop up.


18. New Block for Schedule Deletion Log

A new block for Schedule deletion Log is created wherein User can see the log of Schedule deletion. This log can be seen in Client and Caregiver Profiles in “Logs “Section.

Note: – Logs section would be the same section of SMS Logs. The name of “SMS Logs” has been changed to “Logs”.


19. Copy previous office settings while creating new office

Agencies can copy the Office settings of already existing when they create a new office in the system. If there is one existing office in the system, and the user wants to copy the settings of that office to the new office, the user will click “Yes” in the pop up asking to copy the settings or not. If there are multiple existing offices in the system, the Agency user will have to select which existing Office settings are supposed to be copied.

20. Holiday Logic

In the case of an overnight schedule that includes a holiday, the schedule will be split into two parts. The system will consider each day run from 12am -12am instead of 12am-11:59pm.

21. New Payer “already exists” message

While adding new payer from Payer section, Agency users will be shown a pop-up alert that payer already exists in the system. Pop Alert will be:

Payer with name “Payer Last Name, Payer First Name” already exists. Are you sure to create a Payer with same name?

Company with name “CompanyName” already exists. Are you sure to create a Company with same name?

Community with name “Community Name” already exists. Are you sure to create a Community with same name?/p>


22. Unavailable Caregivers will not appear in Find Caregiver

All caregivers who have set unavailability will not appear in search results through “Find Caregiver” Screen. In the case of “Must match all days”, if there are three days selected and a caregiver is unavailable any or all days, then that caregiver will not be shown in search results. In case of “Can Match any day”, caregivers available for any single day out of three selected will come in search results.

23. Printable Schedules for Agencies to share with clients

Agencies will have the calendar view instead of Tabular view to Print the schedules and share with the respective clients. Agency user will have to Go in Client profile section and after clicking on Client name. Click on “Print Weekly schedule” will give calendar View instead of Tabular view.



24. Indication that Notes have been published

Agency Users will see an indication that notes on Caregiver Notes Widget on Dashboard have been published.

If ALL caregiver notes left by a caregiver are published, then the Edit button will not be shown. This will indicate that all notes have been published. Once the Edit button is gone, a tool tip having ‘Notes already published’ will appear. But, if any of the notes is not published out of all available of a Schedule, then the edit button will remain here.


Accounting Module Related Changes

25. Inactive Clients filter on Account Register

Account Register will now have a new filter: Client Status. The user can select the status of the client, say Inactive Clients, and can choose a client from ‘Client(s)’.


26. QuickBooks Online Timesheet

Agencies using QuickBooks Online will now be able to sync caregiver time sheet data to their QuickBooks Timesheet from the Finalized Payroll section.

27. PayActiv

CareSmartz360 is now integrated with PayActiv and can export TimeSheets via PayActiv for faster payments.

Please contact support at to learn more about PayActiv integration.

28. Client Type Filter on Create New Invoice Page

In order to save Agency’s time at the time of making new invoices, Caresmartz360 has added one new filter “Client Type” on New Invoice Page. Agency will be able to select “Client Type” and then selecting names of Clients will filter the clients more efficiently.

29. Public Transit

Agency users will be given an option of Public Transit in Caregiver, Client, Other staff, Payer profile.


30. App Availability for More devices

CareSmartz360 Updated Android app is available on Play Store to make it available for a greater number of users, especially Tablet users.

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