fbpixel Cloud-based Caregiver Management Software - CareSmartz360

Easy Caregiver Management

Everything you need about a caregiver in one place

  • The Caregiver Management section in CareSmartz360 is an easy-to-use feature to search a caregiver.
  • Grid filters can help to see whatever contact and skill-set information you are looking for, right in front of you.
  • Send emails or text messages, either to an individual or multiple caregivers at once.
  • Easy access to a caregiver’s schedule directly from the search page.


HR Management

Everything that HR needs to know

The HR tab is a great tool to record and access everything you need to know about your caregivers. Record and update caregiver information such as:

  • Educational qualifications
  • Unique pay rates
  • Compliance certifications
  • Licenses
  • Employment history


Skills / Requirements

Match caregivers’ skills with requirements and vice versa

Record and access everything related to caregivers to match their skills with requirements:

  • Caregiver’s availability, cooking skills, experience with specific conditions like Alzheimer’s, Diabetes, and more can be recorded here
  • The CareSmartz360 software can match the right caregiver with the client requirements, facilitating quality care and client satisfaction.


Scheduling Made Easy

One place to create and modify caregiver schedules

  • The Schedules tab allows you to easily update an existing schedule or click on an unmarked date to add a new schedule.
  • Extremely intuitive and super-easy to use, CareSmartz360 software will cut down your scheduling time and enhance efficiency.


Got a Question?

You can upload and store key documents related to the caregiver. These could be certifications, licenses etc.

When candidates apply for caregiver positions through the website, this screen will display their details so you can get in touch with them easily. Your hiring becomes easier and faster!

A caregiver can indicate times when he/she will or will not be available by entering the dates and times, right from the caregiver portal or the mobile app. The software will then raise an alert if an agency user is trying to schedule the person during one of those unavailable times, and it won’t display any unavailable caregivers in the Find Caregiver tool.

This is possible from the Care Co-ordinator Dashboard. You can select a caregiver and a date range to view the tasks for that particular caregiver in that specific period, including schedules.

Your administrative staff is also represented here on the Other Staff screen. You can maintain and view HR modules, trainings etc. for them as well.

The Available Shifts tab will display the Open Shift requests sent to the caregiver. You can also see the status of that request, whether pending or accepted.

We've just scratched the surface.

Our users reported 95% customer satisfaction in 2023. Schedule a personal walkthrough to see CareSmartz360 in action.

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