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CareSmartz360 Case Study
How CareSmartz360 integrated different processes and functions into one seamlessly functioning application increasing efficiencies and maximizing revenue for a leading home care company and franchisor.

Client Profile

Our client is a leader in home care and assisted living services. The client also has an active franchise operation with around 125 franchisees throughout the country. Since 1996, this home care provider has helped families with non-medical in-home care and assisted living referral services. Now it is adding skilled home health care in select locations.

“With CareSmartz360, we were able to combine Franchise Operations and Franchise Management into a single system. Having our data in a single system has made our franchise organization more unified, agile and efficient. We’ve closed the reporting gaps that existed when we were using multiple IT systems to run our business. Now that our data resides in a single system we are able to establish better metrics, monitor and evaluate key performance indicators (KPI).”

A leading Home Care Franchisor

Manual processes and data duplication due to disparate multiple systems were compromising the client’s ability to manage operations and franchises while simultaneously focusing on business growth.

  • Operational Efficiency and Revenue Leakages
    The client had two disparate systems required to run the business – it used one application for operational support and another for franchise management. These two applications did not interface at all- data from one had to be transferred to Excel and copied manually to the other. As a result many leads and opportunities were being lost, response time was slow, resulting in frustrated customers and staff.
  • Reporting
    With data residing in two systems, the client’s staff had to create reports manually to get required information.This manual process was inefficient, time consuming and it was difficult to get the complete visibility of all business functions.
  • Campaign & Lead Management
    Franchises had to enter leads manually. Franchises were spending millions of dollars on national ad campaigns without the visibility to determine what was working and what wasn’t. This resulted in an inability to measure ROI or to switch strategies with confidence. It was also difficult to track leads, identify revenues generated from lead sources and to know where leads were falling off in the sales funnel.
  • Communication
    Due to lack of integration between the Corporate office, Franchises, Care-Coordinators, Area Representatives and Caregivers in the field, it was difficult to manage the business outside of the office.
  • Caregiver On-boarding and Retention
    The client did not have a Learning Management System for Franchisees to streamline and better manage caregiver on-boarding and training.
  • Franchise Support
    The company had to spend a huge amount of time and effort to provide systems support to franchisees.


Manual processes and data duplication due to disparate multiple systems were compromising the client’s ability to manage operations and franchises while simultaneously focusing on business growth.

  • The client is now able to manage the entire business (operations, marketing and franchise management) from a single system. The single integrated database provides the ability to generate comprehensive analytic reports in minutes. This has led to better business decisions.
  • The client can track national advertising campaigns – the system allows staff to parse leads from multiple lead sources (television, radio, print, direct mail, etc.) and assign to franchisees.
  • Franchisees have the ability to track leads, calculate ROI and change strategy mid-stream quickly if required. This is extremely important because franchisor advertising is becoming very consumer – centric – millions of dollars are being spent by franchisors to generate leads for franchisees.
  • The client also has the ability to view which lead sources are generating revenue and to strategize accordingly. They now have the ability to view and analyze the entire lead flow – understand where in the process leads are dropping off and take corrective action.


After requirement gathering and understanding the client’s business processes, a solution was developed to address all the business challenges. The cloud – based, HIPAA compliant application was configured to manage operations and franchisees with one single application eliminating data duplication and redundancy. Role based logins with corresponding views were created to enable Corporate Office, Franchisees, Area Representatives, Care-coordinators and Caregivers manage their respective functions with a single integrated application. Reporting was taken to a whole new level – users could generate all kinds of custom reports including Franchise Management, Client Intake, Scheduling, Payroll, Billing, HR, Marketing and Support.

  • The client is now able to manage the entire business (operations, marketing and franchise management) from a single system. The single integrated database provides the ability to generate comprehensive analytic reports in minutes. This has led to better business decisions.
  • The client can track national advertising campaigns – the system allows staff to parse leads from multiple lead sources (television, radio, print, direct mail, etc.) and assign to franchisees.
  • Franchisees have the ability to track leads, calculate ROI and change strategy mid-stream quickly if required. This is extremely important because franchisor advertising is becoming very consumer – centric – millions of dollars are being spent by franchisors to generate leads for franchisees.
  • The client also has the ability to view which lead sources are generating revenue and to strategize accordingly. They now have the ability to view and analyze the entire lead flow – understand where in the process leads are dropping off and take corrective action.

CareSmartz360 Benefits realized by client

  • Tight integration of Franchise, Operations and Marketing has resulted in a unified, agile system
  • Better lead management and prompt following up of leads has led to increased business
  • Integrated data available (no more manual cutting and pasting) has freed up valuable time of staff
  • Scheduling and telephony has become much more efficient drastically cutting down on no-shows
  • A wide variety of custom reports can be generated making for better business decisions
  • Mobile app has established communication with caregivers in the field leading to punctuality and efficiency with easy filling up of open shifts and sending of automated reminders
  • All the client’s franchises can manage their operations, lead management and marketing with the application
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